The Real Awakening and a Call to Unity
Join me as I sift through some of YOUR comments about YOUR awakening stories - what got us to this point so far? Fascinating and touching stories. A kind of therapy for all of us. Unity ahead?
My video entitled “Do you remember the first time you were being lied to about the world?” has gathered over 30k views in the past 24 hours and, more importantly, has gathered a lot of wonderful comments (plus a few shills as par for the course) from you, my amazing subscribers.
I know not all of you are on all the platforms, so I thought I’d share by reading some of these comments out. Some of them had me in tears this morning.
Whenever I have been to plant medicine ceremonies, and I’ve done a few, the most powerful aspect of the healing process is always the “sharing circle” the day after. This is when the “stick of truth” (that’s my name for it) is passed around and people share what they’ve learned from the process and what brought them there in the first place.
It’s a revealing and empowering form of therapy. What we have been through in the past few years and, indeed, this lifetime, is extraordinary to say the least. Those of us still standing are here because we chose to be here. It is The Great Awakening and it is our privilege to be here at this time. For many, it has nearly destroyed us and some have not or will not make it. I hope by sharing our stories like this it gives strength to at least one more lightworker/starseed/spiritual warrior to keep going. We are so close in so many ways and none of us are alone. Ever.
Many awakenings started with JFK, 911, Diana, and the other big events of the past 60 years, but some awakenings are more intimate, more private. Some are through the horror of personal abuse, something which ties many of us together at this time.
My wish is that by sharing more of these stories we can move towards Unity. We move more towards total forgiveness, of each other and ourselves. We move towards taking action over our own sovereignty. As Einstein said: “Nothing happens until something moves.” I know Bert was a Deep State gatekeeper, but he still has a few kick-ass quotes we can pillage.
I did run out of time and never got to my Telegram comments on this video, so I’ll share a few choice ones here:
This from the lovely Anna Bromley:
“When I was 16, I was woken by a storm in the middle of the night. I snuck out of the house wearing a raincoat and wellies over my nightie. I walked up the hill behind our house and stood with the rain blowing in my face. It was then that I realised God was not a bearded old bloke casting judgements from his throne. It was then that I heard God’s voice whispering through the grass, roaring through the trees and blowing the rain into my face. It was then that I knew everything they taught us in church was a lie.
More pieces dropped in over the years.
When they killed Diana in the Paris tunnel I knew they were lying to us.
When they blamed 9/11 on Osama bin Laden, I knew he wasn’t who they said he was.
When a million people protested the war in Iraq and Tony Blair did it anyway, I knew they were lying to us about weapons of mass destruction.
When I learned about organic food and saw all the toxic products in the supermarkets designed to poison us, I knew they were lying to us.
When I went to the hospital for a hip replacement (which was done very badly), I saw what big business the ‘healthcare’ system is and knew they were lying to us.
When I was diagnosed with cancer and they told me I would die if I didn’t let them chop off my breast and fill me with poisonous chemotherapy, I knew they were lying to me.
But I still didn’t know who ‘they’ were.
When I detoxed a lifetime of toxic chemicals, I had delirious dreams about Dark Lords dressed like Ming the Merciless trying to get me. But I still didn’t know who the Dark Lords were or why they would do such evil things.
But when Covid hit, finally all the pieces fell into place. And now I know who ‘they’ are - the lying, cheating, murdering Dark Lords. But now they are exposed all their power is gone and they are finished. 😀😀😀”
This from Jacqui V:
“In 2012 I went on a 18 night cruise from Italy to SA and one of the musicians from SA playing on that cruise invited my mom & I to watch a banned copy of what really happened on 9.11 ..I remember trying to talk to a few people but just went over their heads then 2020 happened and I within 2 weeks knew it was a lie so I started my research which led me down different rabbit holes. It was finding out about the children that tore my heart apart. I then started sharing my truth to family, friends and anybody and everybody. Of course most thought I had gone crazy.was ridiculed and called a conspiracy theorist. I also had to do some deep healing work which has never stopped. Went through my dark night of the soul. In all my readings I had I was told I was a starseed which then made sense why I was the blacksheep in my family. Always questioned everything. Never paid attention at school, never voted as I thought they were all corruot anyway and was never into religion. I think my higher self was protecting me from all the programming. When I was younger I had a out of body experience but shut it all down through trauma that followed for many years until 2010 I had a shamanic healing and something awoke in me. I am a empath.very sensitive to energy, very aware and intuitive and find it very hard to deal with these energies at times but I realise we did sign up for this. Before my Awakening I always felt there was something not right with this world that all we needed was love to make the world a better place and I always had this yearning to go home as if my home was not here on earth 💔”
And this from Jen:
“I had a gazillion truth bombs...
When I worked in an NHS multi disciplinary mental health team in the late 90s and I asked a psychiatrist, who was a colleague, how he decides what anti psychotics and antidepressants to prescribe for different MH conditions, he told me they just give them what is 'cheap' 🤯
Then when I was a newly qualified teacher and the management team were fiddling the kids assessment figures that I'd spent my weekend forming, which when I challenged it, I found out from the older teachers that every school does it to get more money, then they lied and bribed me 🤯
When the mother of a child I was teaching started dating a known pedophile and when soc services were contacted nothing happened! 🤯
Then when I became a Reading Recovery teacher working one to one with dyslexic and Special Ed needs kids and found out that Phonics pushed by the govt for early years reading and writing actually holds children back, it is not how chn learn to read, there are a million better ways. They are deliberately disempowering our 4 yr olds. Reading Recovery techniques are suppressed 🤯
Then when I worked as an adult educator teaching English to asylum seekers for a company paid for by the govt, they asked me to commit fraud by saying on timesheets I'd worked more hours than I had so they could claim more money, I resigned 🤯
Then when my ex partner's dad was arrested for viewing child porn and social services underestimated me, bullied me and tried to label my child and take down me and my family 🤯
EFT tapping which is the main therapy I deliver, has been suppressed by our government for years, they pumped money into CBT because it's effects are temporary and doesn't engage the subconscious mind like EFT does 🤯
Cunts 🙄
In 2019 I sensed that something global was coming, from about 2012 I somehow knew I was being prepared for something. When the pandemic happened I just knew the vaccines were bio weapons. Don't really know how. Just did. Weird watching everyone get vaxxed and congratulating themselves 🤯”
You can read more of the comments on these platforms here:
I wrote the following poem on 25th November 2022 about the war we are in. It never made it to my book (you can only get my book from this link BTW), but I just found it and thought it relevant to this post:
This War
by Mark Attwood
This war is long,
This war is hard.
This war tests you,
In your own back yard.
But you were chosen,
You volunteered.
Don't be disheartened,
Hold back your tears.
Remember who you are,
You're a point of light.
Look into my eyes,
Never give up the fight.
It's always been a choice,
Between love and fear
You've felt it in your heart,
All through your years.
As the end approaches,
As the time does wane...
You will be vindicated,
Life will never be the same.
We didn’t come here to lose or fail in any way. I wanted to share these comments because they are all our stories. By respecting each others’ journeys, we respect ourselves, which is self-love, which is the highest love and the foundation on which we build our glorious future.
One poem that did make my book is called “Unity”, which started life as a video from 2022:
I make no apologies for publishing it again here:
by Mark Attwood
It’s you and me;
The future’s here at last.
Manufactured differences?
Into the forsaken past.
An intellectual concord…
The oneness of our souls.
United in the face of evil,
Our victory untold.
It’s you and me;
Do you feel it yet?
Here we are in the dark.
Never forget.
How we came together,
How we fell apart.
Divided by those unknown,
Revealed on the ark.
Our unity,
It seems insane,
Breaking out a sweat.
Soon it will be the time…
Is your appetite still whet?
Understanding Unity,
That’s our job at hand.
And there the question hangs its head,
In the forgotten sands.
Have a wonderful day, whatever you’re doing, and remember: