Wow…what a brave man; troubling and fascinating at the same time. Thank you Mark for your bravery too with your determination in exposing this horrific practice. I can’t even imagine the trauma he’s endured and still is enduring.

God bless you Kevin G. ❣️

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My prayer to Kevin ~ May God continue to keep you safe. Thank you for your valor. God has a special mission for you ~ You are healing every time you share your testimony

May peace, guidance and valor…”Be” with you “All” ways

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Wow! Wow!

That was the most amazing interview!

I was so scared when he said Trump killed 'everyone'...and he betrayed us...thank God...it was the evils.

This amazing man, my heart goes out to him, he is obviously really, really strong!!

I hope this shit show finishes soon, on soo many levels , but this man needs peace.

I'm about to re listen...I've not done that b4!!

You are a fabulous interviewer Mark.

This was FABULOUS❤️

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Yes an amazing podcast! Love the Poem. Thanks for pushing out all the boundaries, I had no trouble believing all that was shared. You’re a good fellow Mark please don’t slow down. May you be Blessed and also Kevin G abundantly where you both need to be. May Kevin be granted sustenance as he already is …. but may it be doubled and trebled beyond his dreams.🔥🔥♥️♥️💥💥🙌🙌

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Absolutely love that poem, Mark!! Well done.

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Holy crap!! That was amazing.

I believe every word. I am sharing!! I wish I knew where he's at, I'd love to support him in some way. Thanks for that interview. That was incredible!!

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GOD keep you safe.

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Thank you Mark. Thank you Kevin. What an interview! Listening to Kevin describe what happened to him as a young child of 3 or 4 is just beyond shocking and heartbreaking......what a brave soul to still be here talking about it.....much love and gratitude to you Kevin for your bravery and to you Mark. Such a safe and compassionate space you hold for people who have nowhere to turn. 💚

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Very powerful interview. These terrible things are going on and have done for thousands of years. If you can, try and interview Anneke Lucus. She was a child sex slave. Her story is incredible. She recently did a 3 hour interview with Alec Zek on his podcast, 'The way forward' it's a mind blowing interview. Who knew Freddie Star the comedian was so evil.



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Brave Hearts speaking and my heart heard it loud and clear…

Quite extraordinary

Will never step down or turn away

Fear doesn’t exist after I know..,

Show me the way Divine so I serve you only.

Mark is doing this giving a voice to others that others wouldn’t dream of….. Enormous ground breaking man … how lucky to have him on our side

love ALL the way 💗

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This was a brilliant podcast Mark he is so interesting I hope you do another he has actually seen the future 😳😳now that alone is enough for a 2nd podcast thank you for all you do 😘🙏

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"Trump Kills all the presidents". This guy is delusional.

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What about "has them executed for treason"?

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This was quite a strange story. I was very interested in it. I really believe him. Thanks for this Mark.

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