Thank you Mark and guests! Bringing info to light gives us a chance to rectify all this now! Love and Peace to us ALL👍🏼🥰♥️

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Loved this show Thankyou Mark Gary and Alex.. x

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Yes I would love a webinar……just been made redundant and would like to become of service to humanity and do that by 100 x my redundancy xxx

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Can you please post all the relevent links... the cancer one especially. Bless you beautiful people. 🥰🙏🏻

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Thank you Mark , wonderful guests and so lovely to hear their stories. 🙌

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You can’t help people passt their belief system.. obviously the guy on the video did not want to wake up because once you wake up, you can’t go back, just remember once a cucumber turns into a pickle, it can never go back to being a cucumber… Same with consciousness once you are awake, you cannot go back to not being awake , that demands responsibility that demands observing yourself, and realizing you’ve been lied to, and to trust your heart with all the answers💕

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Gary , Alex and Mark what an inspirational message .

Love is the currency and we all have this within us. Healing in process and the gift is enormous. Cathy OBrien has just put out a similar message.

The human Spirit when aligned with the Divine you heal yourself and then others because you are coming from your centre.

Fantastic interview thanks again for putting this together 🙏

Love the practical , spiritual and comedy all the One thing 🧡

Fiona 🙏🧡

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