Keep it up, Mark. We all have these days when it seems too much to bear. They pass. Sometimes it’s only a few hours. And usually from going too deep down those dark holes.

Sing. Sing loudly. And a bit of shouting helps.

And then reconnect with mother 🌎 with your bare feet on the wet ground.

We’ll make it. The rewards are just up ahead.

And we’re tired. I get it. But the spiritual world is there ready and willing to lend a hand. It’s just we forget sometimes.


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Jun 13Liked by Mark Attwood

Thank you Mark. I am so grateful to you for these posts. At least I don't feel I'm going mad. I can't stop crying......like a yo-yo.... up and down. The energies at the moment are really ramping up and the feelings I have of hopelessness are just more frequent. There are so few people in my immediate environment who get what I'm feeling... I do,however, have an inner knowing that it's darkest before the dawn ..... ❤

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Jun 13Liked by Mark Attwood

Thank you for writing that. As usual, God provides what we need to hear. These past two weeks I have been torn between deep, deep anger and profound sadness. The two together have felt so foreign to me as I usually sit on the crest of the wave in observation. But these feelings are primal and there is little I can do except watch myself descend into a kind of hell. I can't take much more, Mark. I would rather be in battle where I feel more at home than in a pause.

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Jun 13Liked by Mark Attwood

Sending a virtual hug! Everyone needs a hug a day (even if you hug yourself!) Their end is near, and many of “us” know it.

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Jun 13Liked by Mark Attwood

We’re clearing a big collective shadow bringing up lots of dark energy- we are healing from the inside out and it’s a rollercoaster ride.

Much love to you Mark, from a midlander it’s great to hear a local accent and sense of humour (also fellow Aries) throughout this earthly surreal experience. You have bought much comfort and joy (I think that’s a a Christmas lyric - so a gift too) to so many and bought so much enlightenment.

You’re in a great path - just go with the flow. Some days great, others not so great , some bloody awful and I have many of those too. It’s a process and necessary to reach the other side of the golden age. It’s the hardest thing as a programmed human to stay in the present, let go of the past and don’t focus on the future unless it’s what you are manifesting as the future you want. Sounds simple!

But we are programmed to think about the negative. But we all mostly recover and have another high day. I like to think that when I’m having a down day others are up and holding space for us and visa versa.

You’ve done a lot of holding space so just feel the negative stuff and let it out- take a day out to just be. I’m holding space for ya!

Much love from Kidderminster. 💝

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Jun 13Liked by Mark Attwood

Without you this time of 2020+ would have a lot less heart, soul and laughter. So grateful to all those who helping mankind at a strange and important time in history. Everyone has a favourite. Thank you Mark.

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Jun 13Liked by Mark Attwood

Thank you. I was just sitting down with my first coffee, after a long silent walk with my dog, and thinking the same things. The melancholy of my thoughts the last 2 weeks is almost unbearable. How long has this to go on? I only want to go back to bed and sleep until it’s finally over. Thankfully I have a couple of dear “awake” (new) friends. And we lift each other up in these times. Living with a still comatose husband (a Marine in the Dutch military) is really tough sometimes. And it is my love for him, patience and understanding of his years of brainwashing that we are still together. I pray to god that he may wake up soon. Thanks again Mark for being you and helping me and others getting through these mad times.

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Sending you a virtual hug and a "high five" as well. My husband is also hitting the snooze button. And the strangest thing is we share several past and parallel lives. I refuse to give up on him or give in. He will make it. Yours will too. Some people just need more stimuli that reaffirms that they are on the right path rather than taking it by faith. It's coming, fast and slow at the same time. You've got this. But, wow, I wish I could sleep until the changes happen too.

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Thank you Terri for your kind words. And yes, I refuse to give up on him. Never give up - never surrender! There has never been a fight so important for humanity. We have to stay strong. And I brace myself for more storms to come. And I have faith in a good outcome.

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I experienced the empty nest syndrome for over 2 years when my off spring flew the nest during the apocalypse ‘ Spiritual War ‘ ; Knowingly the roots and foundation are that of filled with love. The time comes for us to revisit our own individual self, that of purpose, and the adventure of life’s journey as a gift. Lots of love ‘ Om Shanti Om

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God bless you, young Sir, though I know he does... : )

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Remember Bill and Ben?

(Apropos of nothing.)

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I must add my voice to the magnificent chorus of my fellow warriors here to let them know that I, too, am struggling with this feeling of “inertia” while we wait.

Melancholy morphs into despair which occasionally shape-shifts into outright despondence.

And what does that look like ?

How kind of you to ask !

It looks like me sitting in my favourite chair pretty much just staring into middle space with not much inclination to do anything else.

And because THAT is so exhausting, I will often drift off into fitful naps that are FILLED with vivid dreams.

This straddling of two worlds is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced . . . because well, it actually IS unlike anything ANY of us have ever experienced.

We have no roadmap for this . . .

This must be what the “fog of war” feels like.

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I watch you all the time..with whom did you fall in love..and how did I miss it???

Good on you buddy.🥰

I hate leaving the house at the moment!!

Appcoloptemist coped from your good self.

Giant thank you for the last four years.

And blessed are the cheesemakers..cos you can eat cheese on carnivore diet.. thanks for the idea to look into that too.

Giant happiness your way 💖

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Loved this, Mark. I am currently immersing myself in all the surrounding beauty and everything I am grateful for. Beaming out love to our magnificent Universe and all the Blessed Consciousness, past, present and future. This is what feels best and helps keep me sane. Plus you, Janine, and Clif ❤️

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Very well-stated, Mark. I remain dubious of Jerry Garcia, but what a long, strange trip it has indeed been. I totally enjoyed that driving. One has to get a loose in the corners to experience how to pull out the apex. I haven't done that in far, far too long. My copy of the new book should arrive today. Looming forward to digging in. I have family members who will need it after I get done. Several are still heavily programmed and one still hero-worships Beyoncé. WTAF. But to each their own journey. I am just here to hold people's hair back when they vomit out the "reality" of it all, plain and simple.

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Oh, FFS. Looking forward. This new phone is giving me a real 3D suckerpunch in the predictive word choice department. It would now, wouldn't it?!

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Can you turn that off?

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I am laying here after a long day helping others at the shop wher I have a paying job at the moment and feel the hot tears running down my face as I feel tired to my bones! No one really knows or seems to want to know what is going on in this world! So I share that my sister’s daughter in Laws sister who was 38 just died of a massive heart attach and a brain aneurysm! “ oh I heard a woman around that age died of that 6 years ago… so it is probably not because of the vacation “. Shit it makes my blood boil and not a word of , I am so sorry to hear of that happening in your family!!!!!! And not wanting to attribute that death to the deathly vax!!!!! So I write it here so someone,anyone,will hear!!!!! Is this the Pause? If it is I pray it will pass soon… this feeling of isolation is bringing me to my knees… I hope we all can rise to our feel again soon!

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