Hi Britt, thank you. Please use the address at the bottom of live5dhealth.con

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I loved working on this book. I edited it. One of the most interesting parts of it, for me, was the deep level of research Eddie put into it, going into social/political history, and then mapping it to the current day. He quoted from a lot of his Counterpoint videos, and I wanted to put the video links into the book but they were shadow banned. I put the exact name of the interview, plus the guest and the show name into the search bar, and they still wouldn’t come up! That’s how deeply we have been corralled - when they want to hide something they will hide something. I truly believe that there is a list with names on it and those names have been blacklisted. Anyway, I made sure the links are there, so when he quotes fro on the videos, people reading the book will be able to find the videos easily. So important. We cannot let digital totalitarianism take over our airwaves. Push forward, a little bit more every day. We can do this if we come together. Go Eddie!! Please do get the book if you’re reading this and have not read the book yet - here’s the link: https://bit.ly/EddieHobbs

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Thank you for the link. I'll be sure to share the book far and wide.

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You're on fire (more than usual Mark...😊) with the interviews. So many to catch up on. You are a trailblazer. There truly is noone like you! Thank you...xx

Well done Eddie Hobbs. Fantastic to see an Irish Man speaking out so brilliantly against the madness. Thank you too.

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Great to hear Eddie's book is dedicated to Archangel Michael 🙏

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In 2015 the dark were given a chance to turn round. Those that did HAVE been watched. Thise that didn't ARE going to death. Thise who did turn around if they go back to their old ways they go to death as well.

This is why your seeing some doing right.

Do NOT use the words need and want. You will. ALWAYS been in need and wanting. The English language IS horrendously manipulated. Done so so humanity ARE speaking and singing negativity and curses Over themselves constantly.

Music IS extremely powerful. I turn the words round so the curses go back to the creators and I am singing good over me. Look up the Latin and Greek meanings of all the words mostly spoken.

Poli IS Latin for many blood sucking parasites Ticks.

Govern is Latin for control Ment is Latin for Mind!!

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Excellent interview & interesting. Thanks Guy’s. Bless

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Love the idea of awake people with people who need to awake up at your events. 🙏🙏🙏

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Bravo, Eddie and Mark thank you

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A brilliant interview with Eddie Hobbs. Thank you for that Mark. And thank you also for the show with Janine yesterday.

I am republishing my previous non-fiction book 'Operation Phoenix', which was originally published in 2016. I have received some very important information essential to understanding this top secret 1944 operation and the post-war years. So I decided to recall the copyrights from the publisher and update the contents, create a new cover and a new and more fitting title: 'The Deal'. Since you published yours and Abby's book: 'Weapons of Mass Protection', I knew I needed to approach you with the proposal for you to publish 'The Deal'. I will be posting you, by snail mail, a physical copy of 'Operation Phoenix' as well as a physical copy of my 2020 book 'The Path to the 5th Dimension', which is still to be found on Amazon and the other distribution platforms. Perhaps you'll be kind enough to let me know the postal address to which you would prefer it to be sent. I will be sending the material as soon as we pass 20 January...

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Education was created for that reason. And here's the thing. They paid my family alll that money to become thay STOOPID.

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Hi Mark! Congrats on your work! Well, did totalitarism ever go? Yes, we are more aware of It now... Saw you in boyle for The event, i'm Virginia from Spain,Catalunya Hoping to see you soon again, don't know if in newcastle or Boyle. Think It might be boyle again. Id like to have a chat this time! See if its possible. Hoping to meet Tom,too,sometime,sooner than later. Id like to start Up fresh professionally,and get out of Catalunya but have to do It gradually. Theyve got my daughter embedded here as a hostage at The moment. I'll send an email to The center and see if we can confirm a conversation at some point when I'm over👍🏼

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He Mark,

I read and follow Dutchman Martin Vrijland:


newsletter to know him better https://www.martinvrijland.nl/en/?s=newsletter

Latest one is this:

Death of Pope Francis imminent?


And much like this:

How did we get into the simulation and what does the original look like?


Thanks you Mark have a great evening from out Amsterdam.


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Forgot to add speak it into existence

Say they WILL be arrested.

I HAVE not I want. Etc.

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