Inspirational Fiona and Mark gave me tingles during some of it. Blessings to you both now🙏🌸💗

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Brilliant clear and to the point

Thank you 🙏

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Want to have a discussion with me on mental health services? I have been a guinea pig my entire life to the western medical complex and I need to fight back with a voice for the voiceless

The things I have witnessed and the labels I’ve had attached so NOT define who I am

Let’s talk Mark?

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I wonder why people think that public demonstrations have an effect on the rulers. They can ignore large crowds as easily as they ignore individuals. Action is the only way.

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I asked that question and she gives her answer in the video

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You only need power if you want to do something harmful, otherwise love is enough to do everything else. Charlie Chaplin.


You exist in two realms. The spatial/ material one of the physical body and the temporal/ cosmic one of the soul. They are a natural consequence of biological life which you can either choose to learn and use, or ignore.

Christ’s message to humanity in perpetuity is that ALL religion is man-made and will ALWAYS be spun and altered to suit those who wish to have dominion over others. Religion will always be a tool of the elite used as a control mechanism, so Jesus said, DO NOT WORSHIP ME, OR ANY FALSE IDOLS BUT GO INSIDE BECAUSE THAT IS WHERE YOU WILL FIND THE ANSWERS TO ALL YOUR QUESTIONS.

He was telling us that we have an unseen, eternal spirit within each and every one of us - our higher-self; a Jesus, capable or performing all the miracles and wonders he could perform, capable, willing and waiting to answer any and all our questions.

This is the true meaning of the second coming of Christ, when a critical mass of humanity acknowledge and realise that Christ lives within us. Humanity is peerless in the universe if, or when it ever discovers its full potential, that is why the powers that be and control every aspect of life on earth have suppressed that knowledge and information, because it would be the end of them.

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Christ represents the first and only descendant of lineage from source energy - infinite intelligent oneness.

“That which is infinite cannot be many, for many-ness is a finite concept. In an infinite creator there is only unity. Intelligent infinity (oneness) had a desire to know itself and conceived finiteness (finitude), and the exploration of many-ness.” - Ra and the Law of One Material.

Our eternal spirit is manifested into physical reality in the story of Christ in the Holy Bible, and was to reveal through the virgin birth (was not the result of biogenesis-creating (physical) life from life), and with the resurrection (reincarnation, but where you return as the same physical self you were so everyone can recognise you) that our eternal spirit is indeed a direct, first generation descendant of source energy - infinite, intelligent oneness.

There can never be more than one, single generation from source and the “Jesus” within you and me is exactly that in perpetuity.

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Thank you so much Mark for bringing Fiona to our attention, she is grassroots and very powerful. Much love to you both x

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The biggest wake up I've experienced is:

Europa The Last Battle, Documentary, especially episodes 9-11. The truth per WW2 classified for 70 years and they're desperately trying to hide.

Must watch.


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Separation is an illusion. Everything is connected.

I am convinced, more than ever that SIR QUEER TWO TIER STAMMER has been nobbled by the white hats and is working for the good guys to shake the British electorate AWAKE !

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It would be wonderful to get a massive amount of People and pray and send love to fill there haerds. And in the meanwile bring your message.

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