Where was here free will when she begged not to be with her mother ???

this is where I am suspicious of these smiling angels ignoring her pleas

Is this place a soul trap by malevolent energy?

They push souls back into lives they never wanted

How the fuck can a loving God allow this knowing he's putting his creation into such evil

All due respect to your beautiful guest she never explained it clearly

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The One Most High IS/WAS/WILL ALWAYS BE the embodiment of "Free Will". It is what 'HE' IS/WAS/WILL ALWAYS BE and everything that came from 'Him' is part of that design. Sugar IS sweet. Sugar doesn't know it is sweet, it just IS. Even the fallen are a part of the "Free Will" embodiment. There was a slight 'disconnect' when Mark asked Lynne about people widely going to want to know from her about "choosing to come here". She replied that "NO" that was not her choice. Some would argue that she was already in "forgetfulness" in the womb before she got here. I've always heard that we DO CHOOSE to come, even under the most monstrous of circumstances in order to make right what we have ALL done in other 'lifetimes' before AND that we ALL have had significant experience with the ugliest of human behaviors, as perpetrators and victime. In fact, it is why we find it so repugnant, now, in the midst of our Free Will. We KNOW. I've always heard that we know our parents before they know us and we choose them exactly because they will provide the circumstances, no matter what they are, that will afford us the opportunity to grow, adding another "facet" to the true "diamond" that we are, so that we can make the most of the light we hold and so that we can make the most of ourselves to hold the maximum amount of light, possible.

Ultimately, forgiving her mother, regardless of the outcome of her efforts with her seems to be a huge hurdle or 'test' that she was able to 'pass' beautifully, and the child at the funeral after her mother passed gave a beautiful confirmation to what she had already achieved.

I love that piece of her story. As well, the "real self" that she mentioned a number of times is still true. When Jesus would take her "real self" to heaven while she was being abused was proof that our "real selves" are indestructible. She is also living proof of the same.

Working with abused people, I was trained (esoterically, when traditional training didn't work) to see the person in their perfection, no matter their age or their experiences. To respect the perfection of the Soul, rather than focusing on the "story", not that the "story" isn't significant in its own rite. That has been the defining factor for me in being able to help and support others in the midst of their healing. Our Souls want to be acknowledged in their perfection because it is the TRUTH. A succulence that sustains us.

When we can see that, know that, BE THAT than the enemy has no point of entrance.

I don't think any of us can hold all of the 'mysteries' of Creation. Lynn gave more than most about the 'mysteries' and what she gives is a soothing balm to many, no doubt, as it surely was for me.

After this interview, I am left to believe that all of it is true at the same time. Indeed, the "fallen ones" do have dominion over this place, competing and going against the perfection of our Creator. We are here to annihilate that darkness in ourselves, in our experience through our experience. I believe there are more of us here, now, that have mastered the idea that 'hurting others' isn't the way to go. As well, there are those who are in a lower place in their experience, perhaps younger or waited for this time to be the ultimate witness and perfected in their ability to be of service. There are those who are unwilling and refuse to learn and they will run out of opportunities to learn and they will get caught without a seat at the table when the music stops, experiencing their true, ultimate destruction. THEY are very, very old and likely, truly ready to go, if they could express their truth. You know they have to be tired. So, is it us on the "hamster wheel" or is it really "them"? I know that I have no signs or desire to give up at this time in human history because of the "spirit of disappointment' or anything else the enemy can throw at us with ease.

That's my point of view.

There is a book out there called, "Adventures of God" by Michael E. Morgan. It can be read a few times through as a parable, a tale, and be significantly helpful. It can also be read as a true story and lift us up profoundly.

I wish you all the very best!

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That's what I thought, what is God doing just standing there watching?

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Thank you both, so much for sharing. It's just so very important....critical, even. God Bless you BOTH and ALL THAT YOU LOVE, now and always.

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Thank you. I hope more people become aware of this lady's horrific trauma. As you say, why aren't people angry? Why aren't we rising up with fury at what's going on here? For me, it's just not something I come across in my daily life and therefore I have no evidence of it. I do know a lady who works with children in school who have specific learning difficulties, some of whom suffer from sexual abuse - from their own family! I agree partly with the first comment about free will, or lack of! Amongst many things mentioned here, I can't understand WHY this is happening, why governments are involved, what do universities have to do with it. What about the victims like Lynne who managed to survive. How did she escape? Has she ever had any contact from these people since then? Until we can get solid answer I don't think people will be on board enough to take positive action.

I love your show Mark and look forward to hearing your latest news always

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Anne I tried to reply to you and a long message disappeared.

I would like to have a chat regarding what you wrote if you are open to that ? Fiona 07739 64 74 24 N Wales

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…very good questions you asked and sone of them I can point towards or give you tools to find the answers within yourself. We are our own healers and along the way to that point of connection to higher Self / Divine / 0 point / within we can be guided or misguided 🙏

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Robert Falconner has described

a similar experience..

There is nothing more important than what you are revealing.


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Thank you for sharing your story Lynne. It needs to be heard. What an amazing woman you are.

Thank you Mark for organising the interview so people can become aware.

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God bless you both xxx and all those who have experienced this demonic behaviour. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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OMG! Mark, when you said 11:11, I looked at my clock and it was 11:11 !! What a great interview and thank you Lynne for having the bravery to come forward exposing this bringing it into the light.

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Another cracking and deeply emotional but, positive chat. Thanks mate! X

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Lynn is so brave and incredible - forgiveness is the hardest for sure - great interview 🙏

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Lisa that’s very similar to what I experience are you free to exchange

Fiona 07739 64 74 24

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