Jul 18Liked by Mark Attwood

Mark, you are a supreme human being and man to share this with us……much love and healing to you

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Jul 18Liked by Mark Attwood

God bliss you Mark much love xx

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Jul 19Liked by Mark Attwood

As was I ...when I was 3 years old after having to return to hospital from having my healthy tonsils ripped out ...for my own good.....I was in hospital for 10 days after that & only remember that I was threatened with 'not being allowed to see my Mum' when she came to visit...however I was never the same after that & I did NOT want to be touched by anyone afterwards, I became different to what I was born to be.....Healing continues, like layers of an onion....Thank you Mark, once again for speaking out. ..Much love & gratitude from the Land Down Under xxx

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Aurora Bless You I hear you

🌸💗I hear them ALL🙏

The Inner Sanctury within is the ground of your being and seat of Power where you connect with the Divine … nothing or anything or one can touch that place … find a way to reside there and you will heal from within yourself… I will check you now and send a clearing if need be…

Cleared now 🙏🌸💗

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Many thanks & much love....xxx

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Jul 18Liked by Mark Attwood

Sending so much love to you .

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Bless you for sharing

this with US . You are loved and supported💗

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Crying is healing 🤍

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