Very interesting! I write and talk on this topic too - this is my latest newsletter.


‘Tom’ might be misleading you though as his YouTube channel states he is discussing BSV Bitcoin which is a derivative of the Bitcoin as it it is commonly known. This is an important distinction. I would be happy to join your chat as a crypto expert if you would like my input? I can be contacted through my website - above. I totally concur with his statements about the history of money. I can take the discussion further back to the 1500’s if you are interested. 😊👍

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Hi Victoria

Would you describe today's BTC as a "peer-to-peer electronic cash system" useful for "small casual transactions"? That is how Satoshi Nakamoto described Bitcoin on the front page of his whitepaper?

If you are interested in my view on this then I recently did an interview with a Danish stablecoin issuer. The podcast is about what has happened with bitcoin. It is available on https://open.spotify.com/episode/3f6YAuSXIyzhnbHvaAykpI. The shownotes on Spotify have several links to source material relevant for understanding what in my view is best described as the hijacking of Bitcoin BTC.

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Hi Steffen, yes I would! The Lightning network offers that ability on Bitcoin. The Segwit change did not remove the signatures, it just reorganised how they were managed. Each transaction on Bitcoin needs to be verified with a private key and on the Lightning network with a smart contract. I find many commentators on BSV use the technical intricacies to confuse people which is misleading and deceptive.

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How can a transaction be peer-to-peer when the transaction cannot flow directly from Alice to Bob, but has to go through one or more middlemen know as Lightning Channels?

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Tom does an excellent job here of laying it all out from ancient history leading right up to today. For a fictional (though intentionally predictive) take on the possible future direction of Bitcoin, AI and the cabal, read The Bitcoin Singularity.

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Super interesting. I really appreciate how open minded you are Mark. I always love being exposed to new and different ways of approaching this crazy world! 🥰

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Fantastic information, really looking forward to part 2!

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Grooming You to go CASHLESS



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DiverSHITY is our stench ! !

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Did I somehow miss the links to "Tom's" information?

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I can’t find it either

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Excellent most knowledgable guest. Now I don't have to come on the show. Also funny that he's got my namsake! Well done Tom! Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustache Mullins, is another book that all should read. Available online as a pdf.

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Another very good book is the creature from jeckell island by G Edward griffin, it’s about the FED, Also the books by Fritz Spring Meyer on the satanic families are something anyone questioning this kind of truth should read. I spent 40 years thinking I was an atheist because of the view point I was given of the cosmos in school. Through my searching I found God, and I know without question that the Bible is our only real source of truth as far as what is taking place. The book of revelation is right on the money with current events. I believe That AI is Satans End game.

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Thank you so much Mark.... we are many being targeted triggered attacked blindsided ... this video helps me a lot HAPPY SOLSTICE WEEKEND to you both

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Also Michael Tellinger discovered 1000s of stone circles in his area of SA which couldn’t have been cattle oral. They had no livestock openings. The theory is these were used to smelt the gold mined by the Annunaki

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At https://youtu.be/Q_ukUKEEocw?t=6446 you said you would put some material beneath the video. I cannot find it. Can you help me find it, please?

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Interesting chat Mark, I look forward to part 2. When Tom first started to speak he was very reminiscent of Gary the former policeman. It took me a while to lose that impression…….

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Ask Janine which way we are heading towards the commodities or the other. Thanks Mark. You are doing my head in. So, so much to contemplate. I stated getting Bitcoin with Nuxtrade but have been blocked. Had no idea what I was doing. They did not return my money. I only stayed with a small amount just to see if I could understand it.

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Great chat thanks Mark - Crypto has already been deemed property by New Zealand case law - her is the ruling! All the better to create your private trusts folks!

Cheers! Fi

(saved her dogs life with MMS lady)


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I’ll stick with XRP thanks

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Where can I find the Rothchild creed in full please?

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