I agree with your every word - and apart from the personal boundaries - people need to stand up strong against all manner of abusive bullying by corporations and other such bodies - thst lot create untold shit for people but no one takes them to task - EXCEPT ME - so I am shunned - so the F what I don’t care !!!!!!

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My Sentiments EXACTLY!!! 👍

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THANK YOU MARK, great reminder as we journeythru this chaos!! You are awesome and appreciated!!

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Great discussion Mark.

I’m not sure about country borders as we are all one, United ! But that requires EVERYONE to be sovereign in their own creation of everything they see and encounter that each one of us creates. This is what I think DJT was referring to.

If we are all fully responsible for everything in our own world no negative dark agendas will have any energy and like a flame without oxygen, will die very quickly. It’s only our engaging with the dark agendas do we bring them into our reality- learnt by some very hard lessons- and keep us in polarity.

I believe that’s what’s going on energetically. If we engage the lower vibrational emotions of anger and fear, guilt, judgement we bring those people/events on those timelines into our reality (entanglement).

If we keep our vibration as high as possible, send love, compassion and forgiveness to all (absolutely all) we bring those people on high timelines and events into our creation/reality.

Starving any negative emotions/actions/timelines of any victims and so they will quickly learn to self correct to a higher living vibration or be matched like for like until they get fed up of that polarity.

It’s a tough lesson but provides big growth for a human I think.

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Totally agree!! We are like mirrors, reflecting our thoughts which are manifested. whenever there is turmoil in my mind (divisive thoughts/self judgements), I say to myself, what do I want? =shanti,shanti, shanti.

How do I achieve peace? + no divisions/judgements.... I do this from my ♥...until I really feel this inner peace..


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Great food for thought. I too agree that there is a bigger picture to what we are being fed.

Taking responsibility for our own sovereignty.

Especially reminding us all of the many areas of sovereignty, Mind, Spirit, income, what we ingest. This really encourages us to take it in deeper and look to where we need to make more of an effort so that it becomes a natural habit.

Boundaries are a big one for most people.

Yet it is another muscle we can build up and make stronger and stand comfortably with.

Thank you.

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Exactly what I am experiencing personally!

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I am by your side on that journey, Mark💖

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Bang on Mark!

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Whole heartedly agree! BIG lessons and growth these last 4 years, and boundaries are clearer than ever.

I love your office at the Cafe, and that coffee! Have a great day Mark! 😀 💙

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Wonderful conversation to begin my morning over here across the pond! Thank You Friend.


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Good point there Mark!

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That's a brilliant insight. Thank you Mark. 🙏Makes total sense to me. I must be doing something right finally on the boundaries front as this border situation is looking way off to me! 😊 xx

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