Great chat, I used to horse ride in Windsor Great Park, often see Philip out with young ladies on horse and carriage, slimy smiling git!! Had an experience one day, we were riding over a bridge, car had stopped, I was last one over, thanked them and then looked, it was slimy and his wife, but the look she gave me for thanking them is one I won't forget and I sense she knew who I was, that being not one of them!! Knowing horses I do wonder how it is that they don't react when having slim on your back, just saying

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37 years since ‘the lost boys’ movie! They have to tell us right? I’ve always known that vampires are real probably because of this movie as it was a favourite for years, now I’m more wary of its dark connotations and the two cory’s story is tragic! I haven’t tried to watch that film for years as I know the script, the soundtrack and story, it’s etched in my mind and only over the last few years I’ve become aware of how dark it was and its purpose! Such a shame as it was a great movie!

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Fat Girl Freestyle….

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Thanks Mark for this listen this morning. I was planning on being part of your chat last night but couldn’t make it last minute. I have lots to add so I will make sure I join the next chat. I’ve been to Bran castle in Transylvania and had a private viewing. A very good friend of mine lives 10 mins away running a retreat. The energy was very interesting and I have lots of photos of out of bounds areas. I also found the lady speaking about vampires interesting too. I work with frequency and I clear houses/ property, land, humans of foreign energy (coming in many forms) into our fields and my experiential understanding so far is that these beings can put thought imprecations into your data field this running a programme to follow (specific frequency) and therefore they receive your energy when you play from their programme. In a nutshell but it goes much deeper. I’ll come and join your next talk to discuss deeper on how these thoughts work in the information field. Always look for your daily inspiration as it gives me hope. Thank you Mark 🙏🏻 😊

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Insider details how time travel was developed at Montauk. https://open.substack.com/pub/dianabarahona/p/insider-details-how-time-travel-was

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Thank you. I love listening to your podcasts.

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Thank you Mark for the always uplifting talks. I thoroughly enjoy every one of them. I applaud the guests that you have on your show. Many are so unique and the information presented often fits another piece into the puzzle for me.

This last one reminded me of something that happened last week. Someone I know just loves Anthony Williams the Medical Medium. Same thing...I turned on a podcast and absolutely could not stand the sound of his voice. Oddly enough I had purchased his first book many years ago before I became attuned and its disappeared from my home library. No loss there.

The conference that I had invited you to in Cambridge ending up falling apart. Sorry that I didn't get back to you via email to advise you. I got busy with fighting the 15 minute Cities and other initiatives like "Trudeau4Treason" where we are forming and convening a Common Law Grand Jury here in Canada. We're working hard. Best regards.

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I have been to corfu many times - 60 next month - had my 15th Birthday sitting at the cricket green having rice pudding and ouzo - such good memories.

We went on a boat trip towards Albania and I remember (I think) The boat getting shot at because it went to far over.

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Clarence House queen mothers home where Charles stayed and william and Harry when in London, has a library room where you can see Vlad the impaler's book out on view for all to see, we were told by the guy showing us around that Charles was very proud of his heritage!!

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these demon types will not be moving into the higher levels of consciousness

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These are more succabus and inccabus.

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Well said Mark

Totally agree about Tom - it was clear to me seeing the adverts for Maverick that it was not him.

Wonder if the handshake is also an opportunity to gather energy from the unsuspecting……

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Vampires are real, interesting podcast Mark, husband dreamed once of two female ones who were making themselves known to him, next day at work they had their breakfast in a cafe he was taken back when the girl came round to take his order she was one of the vampires in his dream, she smiled at him and he said she had the teeth and everything. He didnt stay he went straight out of the cafe and didnt go back.

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The banking " system " worldwide , " IS" ( unlawful)

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And going on from that, my sister has always had a mega crush on keifer Sutherland and has roped me into going to see him play in his band in frome uk towards the end of Aug!! I’ll be taking my book with me ‘weapons of mass protection’ as I’m pretty sure he’s not a good person !!

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Morning Mark sent you this quick message yesterday I really think you should connect with ,Mike King I personally feel much better after listening to this interview all the best Richard I just finished watching PATRIOT UNDERGROUND interviewing Mike King s a private investigative journalist and researcher based in New york if you have time to watch this I beleive you will benifit as i have from listening to a real investigative journalist reaffirming my beliefs as to where we are in this great fight against evil best regards Richard https://rumble.com/v58xy8p-mike-king-trumps-secret-war-against-the-israeli-mafia.html

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