Fantastic interview' infact ide say the best interview ive seen in a long while .

Mark I just wanted to say . That I feel the unjabbed are the ones paying the bigger price.. I come from a large family of 4brothers and 4 sisters ..and I can honestly say I have been so close to wanting to end my life ..my family have been horrendous to me . My mental state...what can I say . I lost my partner in the falklands war that the evil organised to profit from . he died a week before my wedding .. I'm left with a six month old little boy . And I can honestly say I've had PTSD For over 40 years . My sons are my world and we was exstreamy close . But listening to there other halves they decided to take the jabb 2 infact. ..no side effects that I know off .. and me I've spent most of these four and a bit years on my own . Being called all sorts. Mad . 😠 nasty . You name it . So isolated days go by I never see a sole due to the fact I'm depressed .suffer from anxiety and fybromyalgia . Yes I'm sobbing once again as i message you . I faught hook line and sinker to convince my family not to take the evil killer jabb .

And ide say out of 54 nieces and nephews . Not counting all my brothers and sisters . I'm on my own the phone never rings . Maybe know and again . I'm alone For the price of fighting to save the family . I'm a nasty sick tin foil hat . I can not ever see my self for giving them for what they put me through.

And yes I've thought about coming to get some treatment from your centre . Hope I have not taken up too much space sending you this message ..😢🙏❤️

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You are not alone and you're always welcome, free of charge. Keep holding on!

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Sorry Mark I meant to say they have all been jabbed . Some 6 times . Me I'm wide awake ...

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Great conversation. Thank you! We are winning the long game.

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