Big huge thank you Mark for 5 years info 💥❤️you are a hero ✨️🎊

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Thank you Mark I love you dearly for all you do to expose the evil satanic agenda. I light 20 candles every night for the poor torcherd and murderd children, and pray 🙏 for their little lost souls that they can now be at peace with God! As you say God wins! I pray for God to send his mighty power, to help President Donald J Trump, Elon Musk and the Galactic Space Forces, to bring a swift end to this Deep State satanic war. ❤️🙏 Linda 🇬🇧

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AND DEEP!!! Deeper than even Trump realised.

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I've lost friends, family & the respect of many others because I spoke up about all of this. It got to a point where I stopped caring. I just knew I couldn't live with myself if I just turned a blind eye to it. I was right about Trudeau & he resigned yesterday. Just the beginning of so much more to come. Thank you Mark for giving me an outlet I can trust.

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Love listening to you Mark - speaking the absolute truth - it’s all beyond evil , yet many refuse to even listen . Anyway as your book is titled : GOD WINS - so they will have to know soon!!!!!

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Dear Mark, yes it is all coming out in the wash. Yesterday on channel 4 news which was the no news was talking about what is going on, ßo in deep gratitude to you all. Such sickening what's going on. They will certainly go 'down the pan' quite soon. Bless you. Ann xx x

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Stay Strong and Safe. I have been saying for years that the bastards were after our Children and it cost me my career. The darkness will soon explode to light, and our Children will be safe once more! All the best!

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Start posting photos of teen girls called Baby Dolls.

Make the people see the truth. You can't be gentle... Not Now!

The Only Saving Grace is God's Truth... The Ugly Truth.

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Mark, You are righjt on the ball.....we want more of this is Australia....keep going We are winning

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You are wonderful!

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Keep on going Mark. It will all be exposed, and very soon. There will be nowhere to hide

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Regarding Elon, just illumine anyone who has n or figured this out yet: we’re in a Spiritual War that has been going since the beginning of duality itself. In this war in the earth realm, it has been going for a very, very, VERY long time in time, and has different electors of complexity. We are now at t yet highest level of complexity - and thus DECEPTION - than at any other time/stage of the war. One of the aspects of this complexity is that there are at least two

versions of nearly every major figure on the game board of video game that is human life on Earth - as it is with all humans, as we all have a Light and a Shadow side with only discern r being degree of either. There is at least one Light/Good version of the player, and one Dark/bad. So it is with Elon. The original, authentic Elon WAS bad/Service-to-Self. The newer version that is presented for the last several years is a non-authentic, but Light version managed by the forces of Light (the Earth Military Alliance, aka “The White Hats). This is the version who is with Trump and appears to be pro-Life, Pro-Sovereignty, Pro-Humanity. The other version is not. And then you have to consider that not everyone working under the new Elon is good themselves, and not all the fake projects initiated by t he original

Elon have ceased development. It’s very complicated, and I don’t fault anyone for failing to grasp the complexity of the situation in which we find ourselves collectively. However, I would say the main things to go by are what you can tangible see that’s objectively good and working in yo ur own life, and what Truth and Awakening you can sense amidst the lingering darkness and chaos present.

It’s vital to be acutely Aware of where and how we place our attention at all times. it always was, and now moreso than ever, in my opinion. Lastly, one of the mantras that’s helping me get through these times is: “Be aware of the problem - but focus on the solution.”

Good luck and Godspeed my fellow Awakening Ones!


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Amen Brother…👏👍🫵💯🎯🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Should send you the British flag 🇬🇧 🇬🇧🇬🇧

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Thought about Elon and come up with maybe he is a walk-in? Anything is possible in this realm. Lol

Thanks Mark for being authentically you throughout this madness, there's been many times you've helped me get through some dark times. BTW l honestly don't know why but l was banned from your telegram channel 3 years ago. 🤷‍♀️🤣😘

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thank 's Mark

salutacions from Barcelona


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Remember all that heath stuff. I lived on the south coast. Even the local quack was talking about it. Morning sickness was the name of the yacht and there were about 5 such yachts which were sunk successively to destroy evidence.

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