So many devices out there to aid in healing, but what about the inner tools we have? How do we get familiar with them? "The Spiritual Mechanic".

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How does this compare with the Spooky 2 device?

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Hi Mark! I have been a healer for my entire life but over the last 12 years. I have been working with Rife frequency color therapy, tuning forks as well as the body scan that Mr. Cummings uses!! If anyone is looking for treatment and they happen to be in British Columbia Canada or anywhere nearby you can certainly reach out to me and I can assist you! This is my life purpose and I am, so honoured to be able to assist people on their healing journey! I thank you so much for sharing all this knowledge and getting the word out for people to know that this is available! God bless you 😘🙏🏻❤️ Kristie Moore Enhance Studio Wellness info@enhancestudio.com

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Bush programmed 16-yr-old MKUltra, used for WH sex parties, to shoot Reagan so he could be president, trade with China


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Down here in Oz… Are these machines in use down under that you know of? I’m in Victoria and would love to know of someone where I can have an appointment? It’s been around such a long time I think 20 years? like the Life Wave patches. Until Covid we’d never heard of them. Amazing your shows are Mark and so good you do repeats to enable us to “lock things in”….

Whilst so much is happening more so than ever right now and I guess most channels are brimming over with drama and guesswork…. you’re beating the drum for what can we do now, in this minute to equip ourselves practically in order to help our immediate community. lol I never thought of Aries as stopping to be present! Well done and a massive Thank You!

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Where can I find the Pain Genie in the USA?

Thank you, Mark!!!!

Sonja Boaz

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