Sep 7Liked by Mark Attwood

YES Mark I was saying the same thing from day one. Handed out GREAT info in parks, on street corners, outside medical clinics, in shopping malls etc. Was spat on, thank goodness I had baby wipes, victimised, and nearly hit by a 6ft man until my dog told him "O" NO your not going to do that to my mummy. lol.. A complete stranger saw what was happening and came to my rescue as well. Bless him and his wife. I'm only small and 5ft so you can imagine the situation. But bless my little dog who protected me and a beautiful stranger and his wife. I stood firm and was nice as I knew this 6ft man was indoctrinated and scared. I didn't tell my family as I knew they wouldn’t want me doing what I was. Okay I got told off my them. lol.. You see Mark I have a disability but I was determined to help people and I know I did. I thank God for that. Hope you and your family are well. Sending love ❤️ gratitude ✨and blessings 🙏to you and your family. A friend from NZ..

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Well done you are the bravest 💪💕🇨🇦

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Dear KR, ❤️🙏💗 Thank you so much for your lovely reply to me as it means a lot. I have got to know the lady well where I buy my paper from as I'm there a lot. lol..Plus the amount of ink I go through which I buy on line and get it for a good price. I will say my printer works overtime with all the printing that I do. lol.. The way I look at things every little bit counts. Only about 2 wks ago I was food shopping, standing at the checkout putting my groceries through and this lady came running over to me saying thank you and giving me a Big Cuddle. I do remember her even though it's been a long time since the beginning of the Covid BS and then she said you saved me and my family's lives. I was blown away honey as I wasn't expecting that. Then her husband came over to me and gave me a cuddle to. Aren't we a cuddly bunch..lol. I love cuddles. They gave both families the info I gave her and they all are still healthy. She told me she really tried with her friends but NO. She has lost 4 friends and 2 can't work anymore. So very sad to hear that. She told me that she has opened her eyes and mind as I gave her good websites to go on and learn. Gosh it was so nice to see her and her healthy family. Afterwards when I got to my car with the help of her husband helping me I sat there and cried as I knew deep down at the time I was doing the right thing with my info that I gave to people. Thank you again KR and I hope you and your family are well. With love ❤️ Debbie from NZ.

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That’s brought tears to my eyes.

Yes ti save even one person is and was worth everything we had to give. God Bless you too. I live Marks free no hold back approach it’s refreshing and full of fire of love…. Integrity.

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You brave human with dynamo spirit. You are a shining example to the rest of us. Let’s all fire up our printers and get out there.

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Sep 7Liked by Mark Attwood

Well feckin' said, Mark! 👏 - (pardon my Scottish Gaelic). 😉

It isn't over until justice has been served.

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7Liked by Mark Attwood

Spot on mark

He must of known!!

If we could work this out then why couldn't he that's what I won't to know!!

And another thing. Dr sherry ten penny was telling every one what was in them and how it worked it's evil on the body,mind and spirit so why wasn't he checking her out !!!!


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Sep 7Liked by Mark Attwood

Russell's Teapot applies here ... how far can we trust ANY information that just isn't backed by fully transparent evidence? And in a way that the local dustman could comprehend too? I believe the Japanese and UK share a trade agreement. Could bi lateral co operation between the two nations confound how much we can trust data, info, and studies whether peer reviewed or not?

"Muddy the water ... to catch the fish" so to speak.

I have lost 20 family members and close friends in 4 years. All post jan 2021 ... including dementia, fast cancers, clots, heart attacks and also three deaths from a lack of basic care in hospital/care home. Had DNR notices of course. So like you Mark I would like to see justice for all of the people who lost their loved ones in the dystopia of the last 4 years. Prayers to them 🙏 and all I can do is never give up learning and to only find truth , whether it proves me wrong or right , the truth will set me free and also our lost souls

Keep it up Mark , regards Jason.

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7

Better late than never. He trusted the science and was duped like the rest of us. Most people did as we now know. From what I have seen of him and his digging into the matter, its obvious that he now sees what we did. Maybe hard to believe and process and admit such evil for the average person. In my opinion he seems like he is doing it from an honest quest for the truth to be revealed -in his own aproach, but still. No, His heart is in the right place I believe. Also this work is important. As you said; he has a large platform. We are all in this together. I love you, thank You!

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He's controlled opposition. John can talk endlessly about vaccines and his channel stays up. If I or anyone else mentions vaccines too often in a video it gets taken down. He still talks about viruses, so I believe he is bought and paid for.

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7

Yeah, I remember watching Dr. Campbell. I couldn't figure out why it took him so long to figure out what was happening with the jab. Unreal. He needs to realize that everything is a racket.

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Campbell knows damn all about anything he is just coveting his ass

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I remember seeing these jab nanobots over three years ago

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and me on La Quinta Columna

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Absolutely! I remember Dr. Campbell pushing us like mad to get the jab and now ....?! His about-turn is suspicious. Has he ever apologised? And there must surely be retribution for those who coerced us so relentlessly. Tragically, the worst effects of the jab are yet to come - one being the sterilisation of both sexes, the miscarriages, still births and sick or handicapped babies (those that make it through). And if they do, they will then face an onslaught of toxic jabs. As we know, it's about depopulation by any means possible. Having said all that, I'm an optimist and am sure we will get through all of this horror and emerge ready to tackle the creation of our New Earth.

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What I can say is that J C did apparently have the vax

He also managed to wake up a retired GP and a very good man and friend of mine. Whatever it is best not to turn against one another because that’s exactly what feeds the enemy and what they live Divide and rule. Let’s give him the benefit of the doubt which is prob genuine..,

At least that’s how I woukd like to feel… I feel most people are genuine just manipulated but we all have been to some degree at some point.

I’m not new age or religious but compassion can hold us All we are all Divine beings trying to remember 💗

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I have followed John Campbell for several years. He is a retired nurse who worked in A&E also abroad teaching. He has a phd so can be called a doctor and his approach changed due to himself experiencing vaccine side effects. Like thousands of others fell for the lie. Also being in the medical industry for so long must have struggled to believe what was happening and his altered approach was slated in wikipedia for changing the narrative to one of how dangerous these vaccines are. He was threatened to have platform removed so plays it so videos stay up not taken down. I don’t trust anyone but acknowledge information and take from it what feels right to me.


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You tell him, mate. We were some of the nutters trying to tell people early 2020.

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Hi lovely from Bristol UK. My friend always watches John Campbell. I didn't know he was pushing the vaccines. Funny thing my doctors sent me a text. saying they will be closed for training. Is this for the next round of J..bs for the bird flu. Thankyou for keeping me sane over the last 4 years . I only wish my nearest and dearest had listened instead of having 2 jabs. I was hit by a blinding white light early morning a few days ago. I hope it's the light f unconditional love hitting the planet. Love you Mark and all you do. 😘

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He was to begin taken in as many were also by working in the medical system would only seem right. I watched this which says a lot about how doctors are also lied to just to spread the poison but don’t realise… Please watch link..


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Could be anticipating arrival of med beds and other advanced tech,

all medics and nurses will all need to receive training in the use of these, and in the aftercare of clients. We all create our reality so I like to be positive!!

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You are SOOOOO RIGHT MARK - that CAMPBELL FELLA. to my mind is trying to cover his ass.

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I somewhere recently read that JC was not a medical doctor but want to do my own research on this before taking it further. If this is correct, then he is just another of the controlled opposition truthers, or reformed truthers, who have just been following the cult cabal's orders for a long time, well before koffid.

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He's a nurse. I am sure of that. I am not positive but I think his phD is in philosopy. Don't quote me on that.

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You are right Mark. Dr Campbell has said in the past he totally regrets having his 2 jabs and he's angry with the establishment who he trusted. The most brainwashed people were medical staff. They went along with the narrative to keep their jobs and abide by GMC rules. Understanding is the beginning of compassion. 🙏

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