yes i've been of similar mind for some years, i Am NOT one of the "Love n light brigade" as i tell folk.

Yes there are a FEW genuine loving people of that kind who seem to be always on a natural high, but the BIG majority are just subscribing to a lie as i see it, thinking wishing folk "love n light", they will burst into a rainbow any day & be in 5th dimension:) This joint IS like an open prison, EVERY major organization IS controlled & Corrupt as can be & my ONLY concern is NEVER setting foot here again. I recently became aware that what i thought of as "Intuition", IS actualy My soul, or The More "Complete" part of me, which HAS tried to help me through the years, although I never listened & did Not take the prompts that were suggested, i WILL listen in future if it turns up the volume again:) I have read & heard spriritual teachers etc state that only part of our soul is in these bodies, & that has recently been confirmed in MY experience as i've pondered various incidents in my life, i do now wonder just WTF it was thinking coming into this life which i still consider as adsurd, ridiculous & pointless, possibly something shall be revealed in future, regardless, i have ZERO intention of repeating this ever again & no lofty being etc is telling me otherwise on other side. I have heard a similar view of the "Being/god" in control of this reality IS manipulative, as it wants us to think There is nothing other than it, this came from gearge kavassalis interview on Dr Michael sala recently, his view kinda puts a spanner in the works, but i am in tune with it, as i too have been of the view whatever is pervading over this reality is of it's rocker. I have been reading & discovering all things spiritual etc for 40 years now, & i am still no clearer as to WTF i came here for.

So, quite in tune with ur guest

Graeme in Scotland, Aye:)

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Graeme- love to hear your ideas on where the rest of our souls are “living” if only a part inhabits our corporeal existence.

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I'm unaware exactly, may well be having lots of other experiences, we are mighty beings & as various spiritual teachers have stated we ARE multidimensional. i seem to have slight confirmation of that, or at least i Have recently become aware i DO have a more complete version "Elsewhere", as ipo ndered the various experiences that led to that, i was also aware the greater part of my soul Was very distant, & i wondered how would i have any idea just where this "contact" i had was? And that's when i realized it was part of me. Wherever it is, it is able to keep constant monitoring of our time here, as it has attempted to assist/guide me a number of times in negative situations, from age 21. As much as i have never cared for this reality/life i am appreciative that the greater part of me HAS attempted to assist me, though i chose my own action every time, to the contrary of the "guidance".

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I love both Tony and Marks integrity . Thank Goodness for free courageous souls… I have their backs for sure.

I know they will probably offend many people who might benefit so much if they can face what they are afraid of hearing or seeing. We need to burst through our fear and not pretend things like SRA and the like is not happening under our nose. For me that is union with the Divine within … it must be real as I facilitate the removal of entities from people and remotely with little personal details of the person needed. The Divine within does the work. We have been hijacked and have given our power away almost like an energy harvesting. This was so apparent during Covid era . We can reclaim it with the correct guidance.

Paul Levy s work is excellent. I would adore to hear an interview with Paul Levy who I have also spoken with.

Another Tony Sayers in a couple of months …. Fantastic cutting edge bring the matrix down Rock n Roll for me… love and thanks … excited and delighted by this 🙏💗

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This is the best interview I've seen this year. David Icke's book - The Trap - is also about this subject. Please come back on Mark's show soon. Thank you x

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Hi Katie where are you based

I’m in North Wales

Love to connect to bring us together.

I have spoken to both Mark ,Tony and Paul Levy I know they are on point from the work I do 🙏

by mobile

07739 64 74 24

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I am visiting my mum in South Wales at the moment, If you fancy a catch up I would also love to meet and connect with like minds. my number 07413526885. Sandra

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Hi there Fiona…. Feel like I was meant to read through the comments would love to connect with you, I have so many questions, thank you for sharing Paul Levy I will also be looking him up. I’ve been watching Tony for the last 5months, I’ve been thrown off path for everything I believed i had awakened. I was a reiki healer, now I want to do Tony’s course to learn more & remove these entities. I wrote on mark’s telegram chat if anyone had heard of Tony as I was desperately reaching out, see mark did this video with him has blown me away 🙌

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Sorry I copied & pasted your number to my WhatsApp & it rang accidentally 🙈, it was me Claire xx

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Dam great conversation. Very glad I stopped by. THANK YOU!

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Excellent information. I work with clearing entities from people and over the years giving information about attachments yet few people want to know. this past few years many clients coming via ayahuasca ceremony who have had demonic attacks and attachments. I recently published a book about this, Island of the Gods and Demons: unveiling the dark side of paradise, which talks about the demonic influences and how people are getting sucked into the rhetoric. So good to hear you talking about this openly. I hope more people will begin to open their eyes and listen.

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Thank you so much for sharing 🫶 would love to buy your book….i want to learn how to remove entities , as a reiki healer to hear about the chakras being AI over lay it all made sense , I feel I’m being attacked as I’m learning more about the truth… my daughter has just had a hypnosis session to remove these entities but they would not shift. I’m desperate to learn , I’ve signed up to Tony’s course , but would love to connect with like minded, if you don’t mind me taking your number to do so 😊🫶✨

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Hi Claire. I work face to face and online internationally. I would be happy to help. Please connect with me on +447413526885. Please connect. I am currently in the UK. sending you love and blessings and looking forwards to hearing from you x

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I like this explanation about the soul trap. I have had my doubts about the various explanations of 'God needing to experience itself through our pain and suffering' or 'we have things to learn so have to come back thousands of times' - I have explored a few of my own past lives using keys and synchs and I get the shivers when I find a personal 'truth' but I like to think it's my own creative thoughts and not another entities thoughts. I don't channel and I have wondered if I would then be affected by someone else's thoughts and not my own if that happened. It's made me consider not listening to all these NDEs now as I was having my doubts anyhow so thank you for this discussion!

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Tony is saying all the things my inner voice has been guiding me to understand over the last few decades. I had always felt that we were part of (fractals) of the greater spirit, but did not voice this.

After spending a few on again off again periods as a vegetarian and running my health down, I would have to return to meat eating. This was also accompanied by weight loss.

Then there was a period of deep meditation. I was linking into the ether and “communing with higher entities.” Instinctively I began to feel than these spiritual guides were negative. Something was off. So, I stopped meditating. Setting this recognition of Bad Energies aside, ultimately, I felt I was not engaging with the world I’d agreed to live in at this moment.

Then COVID hit. I was confused by the fear and compliance. I resisted best I could and did not take the cure. Fortunately, my husband, who felt the same, was outspoken and fought everywhere with everyone the whole way.

We joined a group (unnamed international organization) during the dark winter of 2021 and found like minded people. But that was short lived as the group naturally turned to a religious based spirituality and a power struggle for who was most spiritual ensued. That group splintered off from the larger organization and slammed the person who started it and was responsible for all of us meeting each other in the first place. Which I pointed out to them and got great backlash. I ghosted that group and concluded that ritual, praying to icons and angels was not positive and definitely not spiritual. That we do not really know who or what these entities are.

I also feel that I will move on from this earth to another existence. My purpose has been obfuscated with many detours along the way. Most people sap my energy these days. I find it easier to help one on one and think this is likely my mission.

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Mark & Tony! How VERY interesting & exciting 👏 I want more conversations like this please. 💥🌟🌟

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14

Fantastic conversation. I've been dying to know the full scope of what Tony actually thinks. Here's to the One Time Around experience! Kudos, Mark xx

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Thanks Mark for this great interview with Tony...I too have been unable to grasp how many rapes, dismemberments & atrocities "God" needs to experience before It knows what it feels like....more like a psycho who gets off on pain...I for one am not into that & I'm outa here & not coming back...As for the whole chakra system funnily enough I've never been able to locate them in my system...but I do find one brilliant light coming from my heart, which very few in this "Awakening" seem to speak about...I love to hear straight talk without fear of causing offence...in my opinion,...instead we should all be taking offence about what has been going on in this realm, no more sugar coating....it's time to rip the bandaid off & let the light & air get to the wound, so it can be cleansed & healed......Thanks again, love & gratitude from Australia x

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Two things - Honey Golden said that the reincarnation wheel is broken so we are no longer trapped here - true or not? How will we know?

Second thing - to help as many people to leave here as we can, some of us birthed ourselves back here deliberately to do just that. We are finding each other. So we don’t need to be depressed or upset about it. And I think while we are here we are breaking the matrix that makes this beautiful prison. That’s what 5D living is about - making our own, higher frequency matrix to live in while we are here and to bring as many people into that as we can as a way to lift the overall vibration of the planet.

So we are in alignment with what Tony says. I say we because we are a collective. Maybe I’m channelling. Some of us are here disembodied. Not all angels are false. Jesus has been impersonated as often as you have been on Telegram Mark 😂 if not, then more often. Doesn’t mean there is no true Jesus. Which is why I specified the True Violet Flame in our book. So it’s not all bad - maybe you’ve turned me into an apocoloptimist too!! But I know I have met the true creator and that I am working for Him. The rest will be revealed on a need to know basis as it always is x

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Yes you mention what Honey says towards the end. And why did the demons wanted to recruit you? Well, because you had a mission!! You birthed yourself here especially for it. 😂 They knew who you are and they didn’t stop you and now look at how many souls you’ve saved! You will never know how many 👏🏻👏🏻

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Fantastic, Yes, Yes, Yes. I run Angelic Reiki International with the purpose of creating a bridge from the New Age to common sense because there are no Angels and Healing means messaging the remembrance that I AM already whole NOT I need to improve.

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Very interesting reply considering the field you have worked in

It means truth matters more even if challenges one… that’s what this journey is about. The rocket and fuel that got us into take off is no longer required but was vital to launch the flight. Holding on to ways just because they suit you hold you back from your Divine potential. Man know thyself the entry is narrow and we can’t bring all the trinkets all the way 🤔just what came to me when I read your refreshingly open comment 🙏🙏

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Thanks for your moment. I am fascinated by your first line. It really made me think. What I want to say is that the truth is that I am not working in that field. It is a false field of misinformation. The sad thing is that as the down side of the new age spirituality is seen the truth behind it is dismissed as well. We are in danger of throwing the baby out with the bath water.

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Thank you Mark, I thoroughly enjoyed this video with yourself and Tony. It was very much an eye-opener. I love the straight shooter type of personality, after all we're all just searching for truth aren't we? Many of the things he spoke about, answered the same thoughts and questions I've had since my Awakening in 2020 after diving into the rabbit hole and on my spiritual journey. So many questions we need answers to. Much love, Mark and Tony.

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Felt like a punch in the nose for me, guess I should read Davids new book

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Tony & Mark ..

I am a Wellness Practitioner, and Energy Healer, since 1997...

I have wanted to learn QHHT since 2006...yet every time that I would proceed into registering for a training.... I would be "diverted"...🤔

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Well this has blown my mind! What is real what's not?? After learning so much the last 3 yrs..now it's all bullshit?? Confused...very!!

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