Jun 8Liked by Mark Attwood

Peel this topic like a huge onion, one layer at a time. Remember to wash your hands well after each layer! Watch out for spoiled spots or even whole layers that may be spoiled. They will need to be removed quickly and disposed of properly.

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Policies YES > Politicians NO

Defund the politicians and lockdown the Westminster>Whorehouse > FOREVER

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RemovedJun 8
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You may be correct but I don't give a flyin f@ck about Gary. I just want to see the Westminster-Whorehouse and the House of Lords raised to the ground. Preferably when they are voting on their next pay rise !!

>These mofos did nothing to stop the democide and vaXXine holocaust.

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I have posted many responses with evidence that rebut Gary’s ridiculous claims. I have posted the responses on his YouTube video where he is discussing Sonia. Gary has consistently deleted the evidence that I present so I shall post here:

1. When you use a company formation agent to register your company it will show initial nominee directors for a day and then they resign and add the person requesting the service as a director. Under what specific legislation are you making your assumption as to this service pertaining to fraud?


2. If one uses a company formation agent, and that same agent has set companies up for various other people i.e Epstein, how does that link one to these persons?

3. Are you aware of nominee services that can be used for directors, secretaries etc?


4 Are you aware that a trust can act as a director or partner?


5. Are you aware of what a registered office address is?


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Stu sounds like controlled opposition - fixing things through elections?? Have we learned nothing??

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Ok, for me, this is now turning into a clown show, is this yet another distraction. I'm getting sick of this.

The new guy, is either looking at getting famous, or he's a paid puppet.

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I thought Stewart was really abrupt towards Gary and spoke down to him .I know your all men ..but Gary is such a down to earth guy.. and so understanding..Stewart had an opinion of Gary befor he spoke to him ..

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There are alot of trolls on this chat absolutely obvious that they are trying everything to stop the truth coming out

Gary is telling the truth 100%

Stuart yes I get that normal every people registering their business wouldn't nesseserily know about the corruption as mose people aren't aware of such corruption but this is how the globalists and huge humanitarian distroying companies have and are still getting away with inslavingr ,murdering ,keeping us all in fear ,poverty and under controll

Gary and mark have been nothing but curtious throughout this podcast NOT ARAGANT !!!!

Gary has proof here but your not listening to him he's also hardly had a chance to Finnish a sentence with out you stopping him

The way I see it the evil that has been running the show have been using companies house to do what ever they want and get away with it and that's exactly what they've done we all say every "how do they get away with all this " and this is it

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RemovedJun 10
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Well he sure didn't get a chance to talk on this one he offered to go through it all again

It's so plain to see when you go through all the documents that something clearly isn't right here and we can all go back and fourth agreeing and disagreeing but at the end of the day they are still doing their deals ,their murdering ,their poisoning,their trafficking of innocent children not to mention the evil treatment of our beautiful animals

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RemovedJun 10
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It will be there don't forget how clever they are at covering their back

I will look through it again

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Dropping the f-bomb to escalate the argument when he was losing and accusing Gary of the rudeness he was doing (a common diversion tactic) destroyed any credibility in Stu's faux sincerity. The moderator should have should have been more strict and not let Stu purposely prevent any real discussion. Additionally, the coordinated shills in the chat are painfully obvious. If chat isn't going to be moderated it is best turned off.

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Wow., I certainly welcome a rigorous debate but this has gotten quite testy. Truth should be simple. Yet of course the layers of lies makes this task a challenge.

I was hoping Garry's argument would be a slam dunk but Stu makes a reasonable argument.

I did think there might be an similarity with marriage. IF one or both parties used a false name surely, the 'certificate' is invalid. If the couple opened a bank account or started a business using the certificate then that would be fraud. So I get that anything registered using a wrong name would all be fraud.. going forwards. But different / new entity if thats all legit everything that follows is legit?? or is it.

Stu's argument that company's house may not have accurate records pre-dating digitisation seems reasonable.

This is very murky and I feel exploring this any further may drain us and be in vain as the system is well protected.

However, a word of optimism...

Don't you all think that the controlled demo by the alliance has captured all bad actors? Or setting traps? Don't you think they know the money trail, rescued so many children, making fools of 'actors' to wakey-wakey the people??

Look at Frauci's exposure! HGe admitted he made up the rules!

If we want to exposure high crimes I suggest we look at David E. Martin's evidence ala patent law and manufactured bio weapons 'virus'.

Yet how will we get justice? 3 districts in the US have launched criminal cases again Dr. Fraud.


Like Mr T. indictments they are setting the stage.

Then comes the punishment, likely through mill.

Patience dear ones... can't you feel we are so close!

If the good guys were not systematically taking down 1000's years of hell on earth, we would not be seeing massive exposure: Epstein, Diddy. Diddy is exposing so many more. Bieber video surfacing.

So whilst I would love to assist in anything to hasten the removal and exposure of the dirty scum WW, I think the fraud aspect is taken care of. I did start to dig in some of my counsellors in Syd, AUS. They are rushing through smart city agenda.. shared, ebikes dumped all over the streets, narrowing roads for bike lanes, smart poles announced. Yet.. like the Dig passport etc. it will fail.

We need to show the people.

What occurred on June 9th? - end of the petro $$$.

What does the US Debt Clock now say about AG?

Smile! The heavy lifting os done. In time the WH will reveal the web.

Our job is the restoration of our beautiful world (as a certain Mr Bossi says)


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Allelujah! How pleasing it is to see a more patient man than I (Stu👏), unmask the Establishment shill that is Gary Waterman. He was set up last year as quite the effective distraction. A good cover, but a fraud. I reference GW myself in passing within my last written/audio post (that no platform incidentally dares provide greater visibility to).

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Sorry Mark but I also wanted to say ..the corruption evil write things that duit there agenda which does not make it right ...🤣

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Stu knows what going on. He's very awake to the point that he even calls out the Reform party who the so called awake are voting for, forgetting what those people were pushing in the beginning. Andrew Bridgen and Farage have blood on their hands ans people forgive and forget how quickly these con men bend for money. They are there for a reason and it's not to benefit you. The mention of block chain being our way out is another fallacy. People chase money in every direction, so much so, they forget who's ALWAYS in control of that money, including blockchain. Well done Stu for bringing clarity and honesty to this confusion. Gary sadly is not awaken. He was a climate activist, a convid believer, a lover of the veey evil Jacinder Ardern. He does not have the ability to see truth which is why i knew he was totally misleading people. At least Stu made some sense to everyone. The whole system has legal loopholes. It needs to, because that's the only way these criminals who create the legislation in the first place, can leave doors open for their gains and escapes.

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I’ll look forward to watching this. Gary seems genuinely motivated but I have wondered what the substance is in terms of evidence of offences committed. “Linking to” fraud isn’t evidence of wrongdoing. Just as Gary is himself inadvertently “linked to” fraud as a company director. Kevin Bacon can be “linked to” almost any movie. Doesn’t mean he was in them all.

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Having watched it, I’d have to say that Stu is the antagonist, not Gary. That being said, It would seem that the government is not following it’s own rules (what a surprise) for registering companies and should definitely be held to account, but turning it into a suggestion that people like Sonia Poulton and Dr John Campbell are “linked to” and therefore complicit by association is not helpful.

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RemovedJun 10
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Justified, but poorly expressed. He did way more talking over Gary than vice versa and seemed petulant at times. I suppose these type of public discussions aren’t everyone’s forte.

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I was maybe a bit hasty about Stu...great discussion all round and a sign of new times. Thanks Mark.

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Great to see this discussion. Stu will not let Gary talk and yet accuses him of not letting him answer. I'd hazard a guess that Stu hogged most of the interview. Thanks Mark for bringing both of them on as it is a rarity to see an actual discussion between people with different opinions. We need more of this!

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Hi Mark,

What is your email address please ?

Many thanks

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