Ronald Mc Donald the creepy clown used to wear red shoes 🤢🤮. Wow, the rabbit holes gets deeper and deeper. The need to come up for "fresh air" is immense. I have to balance out everything that I am ingesting of late, otherwise I will become ill. Thanks for the insight.

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Thank you for caring and keeping the volume up and the headlights on Darkness.It’s so good that everyday you are saying I will hear your cry for help … and I won’t give up until this is over with …

Once you know it changes your life for the greater good because it becomes no matter what… divine discernment caution not fear and courage. Once again thank you… your presence and voice says it all… thank you for US 🙏

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Dear Mark, I just wanted to say that it is very interesting that you should do this talk about Madeleine because I don't watch the MSM and in the last week she popped into my head ... from nowhere! Something may well be brewing.

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I tend to differ - certainly NOT accidentally. The RED SHOE BRIGADE - says it all and there is the Father right in the FRONT LINE !!!! None of the so called blether made any sense if you understand the TRUTH.

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In the news this week was a guy who was acquitted of sexual assaults who was a suspect in the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, so a prime example of what you're saying. There are identikit photos of suspects who look like the Podesta brothers, and the McCann's visited the nearby villa belonging to Clement Freud (a known paedophile) after Madeleine's disappearance.

I remember it all clearly because I lived near Leicester where the McCanns lived and worked, so it had a huge amount of publicity. What struck me about the McCanns was the complete lack of emotion about Madeleine's disappearance in interviews at the time of her disappearance. Madeleine also fitted the ideal profile of children sought after by the paedophile satanists. I dread to think what must have happened to her. And yes, I'm well aware of the Red Shoe Club. Horrific.

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There was a photograph about 6 or so years ago floating about on one site that I cannot recall now sadly, but it had John Podesta and other men in it and a few young girls. I think they were playing a board game or cards around a table and if you zoomed into one of the girls, she had the same eye as Madeline McCann which was very interesting.

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Tarot by Janine did 2 readings on Madeleine. The parents had been shopping earlier in the day and bought gold jewelry with the money they had been paid. Gerry had bought himself a Rolex watch. The Mother drugged Madeleine by adding something to her juice so her body would be floppy. She was put into a large suitcase ready to be abducted. The checking in of the children had been carefully orchestrated as to who would make the grim discovery that she had been taken. Nobody would think anything suspicious of someone carrying a suitcase out of a hotel complex. Madeleine had a rare blood group that was recognisable from her eye. Also her Father would have know her blood type as he is a doctor. Janine did mention the Podesta brothers in her reading. Also the MP Clement Freud had a villa very nearby.

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The Podesta brothers along with Gislane maxwell were identified.....also clement floyd was in close proximity......this is going to come out and many politicians are going DOWN for the cover up.....Also hurricane Milton had a face too. Love you......hugs Nandana xxxxx

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Mark I believe the polish girl did send in her DNA to the grange op, and she was told that they would not spend £200 on testing it. Unbelievable when you think how many millions have been spent investigating the case.

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Richard D Hall has also done an excellent investigation in the case. https://www.richplanet.net/richp_genre.php?ref=185&part=1&gen=17

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Some are refuting his work saying it’s all conjecture.

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Thanks Mark. I too recall that very Trump presser. I've commented on it and looked for it but can't find it. I do recall that first minute or to before discussing COVID Trump discussed the rescue and he looked physically shaken for a few moments.

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Boy Lover!! Also the pope! These shoes are made from the skin of children (boys?).

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I don't watch the news and never did however I see headlines pop up on social media about people (celebrities) who have been reported dead in the last 5 or 8 years and it makes me wonder what will be revealed. Are they keeping them in the collective awareness for a reason?

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Sloan Bella did a channeling on this subject and it was impressive. P o d e s t a.


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Have you seen this? https://youtu.be/wiCymAcRUEk

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Because they can and it keeps delivering returns. It's the gift that keeps on giving after 16 years. People still believing there was ever an abduction, easily distracted by whereever they wish to go with it.

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