Eddie Hobbs is the activist and dissenter who created “Rip Off Republic”, the Irish TV blockbuster that connected the dots before the Irish banking collapse.
In his new book, “Breaking the Silence on the Return of Totalitarianism” (which you can get from here), he tells us who, why, and how Totalitarianism is trying to take control and what we can do to stop it.

Abby Wynne and I have published this book as part of our 104 Publishing project because we firmly believe Eddie’s meticulous attention to detail is essential for creating the bridge necessary to help those that are just starting to awaken.
He is Irish and obviously writes from an Irish perspective, but this is a truly international book and I urge you to get a copy and share it wherever you can to assist in the awakening process because, as you know, I am a champion of all forms of media in this information war. Get it here: https://bit.ly/EddieHobbs
Here’s a bit of Eddie from the days when the mainstream media still liked him (ie. before COVID):
You can follow Eddie on X here: https://x.com/RealEddieHobbs and his website is here: https://eddiehobbs.com/