I’ve been making cream out of lamb tallow over the last year. It is the most satisfying experience to see women ditching the Lancôme etc in preference to this cream made by hand with no preservatives! The bonus is having an unlimited supply for myself which I literally slather on before doing the washing up. Lovely show!

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Fantastic Margaret. Well done you.I'm finding that too, more and more as I take my health and skincare etc into my own hands. Very empowering. Once you start seeing all the toxins there is no going back. My body won't tolerate them. Natural all the way from now xx

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What a brilliant show Mark. So wonderful to see what can happen when we come together with like-minded souls. It was total synchronicity how I met Jennifer and then before we know it, 7 of us are heading up for a day at Live5DHealth. It was a phenomenal experience and it was topped off by meeting you for dinner. I can't wait to get my hands on DivineSkin products. Robert and Mary are an inspiration as are the others. We do this together!!

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Maybe as you say it was the most controversial thing you ever said that Veganism is a Satanic Agenda is because I think it's the Hijack of Veganism by the Globalist Satanic Elites that is part of the Globalist Satanic Agenda.

Remember in Genesis 1:29 "And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat."

Fruits and vegetables and all the other vegan foods used to contain all the nutrients needed but now for various reasons, over farming the land, spraying of glysophate and other chemicals, genetically modifying, geoengineering, Codex Alimentarius etc are all part of the Satanic Agenda.

It's more difficult to get all the nutrition you need now by being vegan because of the above but that is becoming a problem for all types of diets now. Research Codex Alimentarius.

If someone wants to be vegan nowadays then I would recommend becoming a member of the Vegan Society and studying as many of the books on how to be vegan properly. For various reasons I could/would never ever eat any type of meat again. I have been vegan for over 30 years and very healthy and never been to the doctor for nearly 15 years now. Also it's also a healthy good choice to be mostly vegan like eating organic eggs and dairy can add even more extra health benefits.

If your not eating properly with any diet then you will become weak and ill. The B12 issue all diets have this problem and most people should take a B12 supplement. But following a vegan diet properly will not make you weak and ill. Think of all the animals that are vegan, some of the biggest and strongest animals in the world are vegan for example the Elephant, the Gorilla, the blue whale and some other whales, the Rhinoceros, Buffaloes, Horses, the hippopotamus etc are vegan and many more you will see if you research this.

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Totally enjoyed 💕 Divine Skincare 💕 love the Irish and you Mark 🙏🙏🙏

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Very much looking forward to my return visit to 5D Health in Boyle in late December when I'm next over to Carrick. God bless. God Wins x

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Brilliant thanks Mark and Friends 🙏🙏🙏🙏

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