I just love this podcast, so uplifting. On it. Listened twice.... We move on. X

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Another amazing chat! Thank you so much x

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I just bought it, my dog is 15 years and 8 months! I'll keep you posted!

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Question - this product sounds great and I am so glad that some cats are being helped by the turkey tail mushroom. However I see that this particular product contains both potatoes and flax seeds. Cats are not meant to eat potatoes or any carbohydrates. Potatoes are considered "heavy carb" food and provide no nutrition for cats and may even upset their digestive system. I do not know why potatoes would be included in this recipe except as a filler and cheap substitute for something that would actually be beneficial for cats. Can you explain why potatoes are included in this product? Also, flax seeds create cyanide in the body and should not be consumed by humans or animals on a regular basis. Why are there flax seeds in this product? These types of ingredients discredit the company as they do not benefit cats in any way and can even cause them harm.

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This is such great info. Thank you friends!

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Both dementia and high blood pressure are caused by EXPOSURE TO WIRELESS RADIATION. This is what is driving the overwhelming amount of illness we are seeing in people today.

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Wonderful show as always / firstly your hair looks really good so don’t shave it all off . Secondly I want to see your puppy - Midnight is adorable and extremely spiritual . Hold puppy up to camera !

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Beautiful footage and sound with the words 👌looking forward to listening to whole show this evening 👍

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I'm certain my animal's ailments are from the jabs they had before I had my awakening. I have to release the guilt and forgive myself. I've ordered some to try out with my cats. Much love and gratitude for you.

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