I just looked this up, I’m in the US I had no idea this was even happening. The media, the internet, Satan what ever you want to call it is calling these people racist for not wanting there country over run with immigrants, how dare they, that is crossing the line from every angle. It really looking like this was set up in advance, like the counties people are poring out of were made shity as an agenda so this could take place. Everything literally everything taking place, if you look back you can see the planning, and the plots leading up to this. Does anyone else see this????? Or am I crazy????

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Nope you're not crazy, you're wide awake. Maddening isn't it?

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Ya it’s insane, like I can’t see the play book leading up to it, they helped these countries go to shit while painting this wonderful picture of the countries they wanted the immigrants to run to, the they played the racism card or they are playing that card. They also made race an issue in the countries being “attacked”( truth ) prior to pulling all this shit. This probably will sound crazy but I’m starting to wonder if the slavery issue in the past 200 years was all planned to lead up to this point?????

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You definitely are not crazy!

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Thank you both , for your massive efforts on behalf of the human race . We all need to be aware of all of this .

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Mind blowing history lesson. Incredible and frustrating information.

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Thanks Mark for another great show.You keep it getting better and better,I am glad you stuck around.

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Thank you Mark for interviewing Graham Moore he is highlighting the fundamental explanation of why we and many other peoples around the world are being attacked by this ancient pure evil entity may we all live to see its destruction Best regards Richard .. see you in manchester if you can make it

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What a completely amazing interview…..I stand in my sovereignty……thank you 💜🙏🏻❤️

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Justin Walker take back Bradbury Pound On the 7th August 1914, in order to avoid a run on the banks.


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Please watch this.

The Secret of Oz (by Mr Bill Still) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rmc8GDlyAQg

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Please watch this.

The Secret of Oz (by Mr Bill Still) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rmc8GDlyAQg

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Im still asleep, awarriorcalls.com ( lol)

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Support or have Christopher James, mark, his Canadian, " Common Law, plus wide awake, he needs all of us has a following, not as big ,as the others ,they pay for views, or shills.

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Thank you Mark for interviewing Graham Moore. Amazing information. Incredibly important information that Graham explains so articulately. I will now call myself Scottish no matter where I live. My mind is grappling ar his words. Wow!

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Amazing interview! Please have him back. Canadian granny

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Great interview really uplifting thanks so much Mark and Graham!❤️🙏

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