Thank you Mark! We will win this war! People are waking up to the evil. X

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Thank you Mark - means so much all your talks help enormously

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Thank you Mark, I so needed to hear this right now...🙏💜

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Wise words as usual mark 😍

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Yes Yes Yes Mark ... 🙌 ... I said NO ... have no fear ... living & loving ❤️

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Thanks Mark! Needed that. Just sent it to my friend who also needed it 💚

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Mark, thank you for posting this! Just today I am in a class on multidimensionality and one of the exercises is to re-write ourselves from a certain point in our lives. I am rewriting myself as a young woman - free of the guilt and shame from being raised Catholic. Free and clear of energy that restricts my natural energy flow! Your message is like a “gong” helping to set my intention. Love you!

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The timing of this coming to me

(TY Mark❣️❣️) was perfect… as my sister is just beginning to wake up, so we’re having a chatty call tomorrow! 🙏

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LOL!! Great one! Shit has never been right!!

I believe that is our common goal down here, to make it better and one fine day ( if we get another chance ) to make it all right for all creatures.

Many have fought evil alone but it will be ( I believe ) the understood and lived "group concsience" that will reach that goal.

Greed, arrogance and ignorance form in bubbles and grow. Even religion has fallen prey.

This goal can only be reached if we break down all differences and barriers. All over the world as a way of life.

Back to basics, the 10 commandments for instance. Without outdated stories and a need for translation for non scholars.

The soul speaks, we need to learn to listen. Again.

And it ought to be taught in school.. make that kindergarden!!


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Thank you Mark for caring and trying to inform and reassure. I notice you are using the term “Limited Hangout”. Does this mean you did watch “Where Did The Towers Go ?” ?

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