Here in Alberta Canada I have had this twice in the past year. Always wake up with extreme vertigo. They are turning on the 5G between 9 pm and 9 am. This is the culling of the citizens.

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Yup - this is why you have been sick twice in a year. Try to shield your home against the radiation or at least purchase a faraday canopy to sleep in. Otherwise the body will collapse from radiation poisoning. I experienced this first hand.

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Hi! Would love to know - what type of canopy/ model did you get?

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I purchased the Bo Defense shelter from LessEMF.com. You can view that here: https://lessemf.com/bedding.html#940 I separately purchased Swiss Shield Ultima shielding from this link: https://safelivingtechnologies.com/products/swiss-shield-ultima-linear-feet-or-meter.html My canopy was 8ft by 8ft, so quite large. This way I could put my bed in there, plus a table and comfy chair, cat bed, etc. I ended up spending most of my time in that canopy for 6 years, until I found a living situation that was completely radiation-safe. I do think it helped to save my life as the radiation made me VERY sick.

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Got wireless radiation exposure? This is the game Mark. People are becoming seriously ill from radiation poisoning and they are blaming all the illness of non-existent viruses. What are the radiation levels in your town? In your home? All the "vitamins" in the world will not help with radiation poisoning. You have to get out of the radiation. Please read this entire blog I wrote on this topic: https://radiationdangers.com/2020/01/31/is-covid-19-a-cover-up-for-radiation-sickness/

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We keep liposomal on deck, but it’s expensive at least from the organic stores near us. It’s around 40.00$ a bottle, we make our own black elderberry syrup for sick days as well. To be honest I wish there was science that could actually be trusted on this matter. I do feel like going into nature and making fresh preparations is the answer though.

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Here in the Netherlands they are messing with magnetics. The compas is not pointing north. Then I know "they' are messing with something not natutal. Been tired and having on and off slightest throth irritation. I didn't get the jab or ever got tested.

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It's the frequencies/radiation from the wireless grid.

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Get horse medicine not anything else as it is the Absinith/wormwood absinith you need. Stay at home and kill parasites, use chicken soup as healer of and strengthening of body with chicken fat in it from organic chickens. Take hot baths in epsom salts, think about the best and imagine the highest frequency things, play music, laugh, stop worrying about kids and everyone else and spend 1 hr in sun per day. Drink ALOE VERA in water with a little organic maple syrup 3 leaders per day. Use good CBD oil daily and an adaptogen (Chaga mushroom if possible or REISHI). Rest!

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I have used MMS/CDS for well over 15yrs well before CDS the 2nd generation product was made. It has saved me many, many times over the years from running to the doctors. It is my first go to when ever I am not feeling well. I don't take it all the time or for days on end even, just when I need it. Everyone should have some in their kit or cupboard and it's their loss if they don't use it. I know what I will use and have on hand.

This product is so easy to use and also one can make it themselves from scratch all one needs is Sodium Chlorite granules and water for part A, Part B one needs some kind of acid, the easiest is citric acid or even a lemon. Making CDS is a little harder as one is catching the gas that is produced when the 2 parts are activated. This product is so cheap per dose it's unbelievable.

Most will not promote it because 1 the goverments of the world do not want us having it and 2 because they will make no money from all the other things that they promote. We also need the right fuel/food plus vitamins and minerals put in the body. If one has not researched this product in depth then they are doing themselves a disservice to their own well being.

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Thank you for still fighting. You helped me hang in tonight.

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I think you will find these people are no longer aligned to the earth because their electro magnetic system is out of whack. The earth has moved to a higher frequency and is moving to a higher one after lions gate. Those at a lower frequency willno longer be fully connected and these symptions will rise. Hug a tree daily for at least 2 minutes. Create a relationship with a tree, talk toit. Trees talk to our heart and it is healing. Many more will continue tohave odd symptoms.

There are odd diseases starting to show themselves because of covid in the blood. Traditional means have no remedy for this that I have observed. I support most Marks recommendations

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The frequency of the earth is completely altered by wireless frequencies which are not of the Earth and do not belong on the Earth. They are 100% luciferian and designed to interfere with Mankind's ability to connect with the natural, life-giving frequencies of our Creator. They are trying to lock us in to their "mesh" grid, trapping us in this satanic/luciferian matrix through the use of frequency. Anyone using wireless devices is contributing to this agenda.

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Good man. Thankyou

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One thing I have noticed where I am, is the ridiculous amount of people limping. It's like every third "person" is affected. Strange.

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Wow I haven’t seen you for a few years,,. Looks like you’ve been forgetting to take your vits! Hope you’re well but appears you’re still in the same place mentally as you were the last time I watched your YT in 2021

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Influenza was always known as being caused by "the influence" of the stars (electromagnetic energy): https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/why-influenza-is-an-electrical-illness

This is why I believe turning our power off at night can go a far way to reduce background EMF.

Thank you Mark for raising awareness!

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Noticing it here in mallorca last week or so. Everyone getting ill, high temperatures, sickness! Fingers crossed it doesn't come to me!

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Mark have you heard about the arsenic gas poisoning being sprayed by planes? It causes a lot of the symptoms you mention, in particular the nervous system is badly affected. I just discovered Caroline Coram from The Boom Review (see X or Rumble)

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Sounds nuts - but nuts enough that it could be. I know that the planes already dump loads of lead. Anything you do as a detox protocol?

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I know! I just went down that deep rabbit hole a couple of weeks ago and it's starting to add up to me now! The protocol for arsenic poisioning is an enzyme called Taurine which I've just bought to try. For the heavy metals, silica and pectin from fruit is gentle, otherwise you can go hardcore and get nano particle Zeolite or any fulvic minerals like here: https://clivedecarle.com/shop/

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Same here in the armpit of Florida! Young people dropping like flies and rare illnesses are on the rise. Cases of chemical pneumonia, blood cancers, bone cancers etc.

our town is almost always completely covered with chemical clouds. The chemtrails aren’t as prevalent now but we have fake chemical clouds. The governor visited a few weeks back…clear skies that morning!

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Thank you!!

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