Mark’s poetry is so deep.

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Such beauty in your genuine feelings mark. Love joy and hope to you. Thank you. Keep healing smiling and laughing. We are getting there.

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WE have to know that God Wins every time and the best is coming to us all. We are part of this creative process and each of us has to show up for ourselves in our lives. God manifests through our own creative process. Love to you all today ...and to you too Mark. You are continually 'showing up'. Thank you xx

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Love you Mark.

My heart is with yours💜

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There is only one relevant question:

Since there never was a genocidal virus, but there is a genocidal vaxxine that has already killed millions, why is Donald Trump still LYING to the American people and telling them there's a deadly virus, and to take the genocidal vaxxine???

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No he isn't, Proberta. I wonder where you got that idea. To quote Erik Carlson on Badlands Media (July 2023):

I believe Trump forced Big Pharma to speed up their process of developing a vaccine for Covid, knowing this was the only thing that would allow the lockdowns to end before permanent damage was done to society. I believe Big Pharma would have spent years developing vaccines in order to keep everything shut down longer. I believe Trump weighed the possible damage done from vaccines with the damage done by extended lockdowns and came to the conclusion that the lockdowns were significantly worse. Trump made it clear he thought vaccines should be a choice, not a requirement. This was a tough choice to make, but a decision that had to be made, there was no alternative.

In fact, if Trump hadn’t completely embraced vaccines, the media would have accused him of millions of deaths for not supporting them. He couldn’t just allow them; he had to appear to support vaccines.

The thing many people don’t understand is that this was a situation where we were required to read between the lines. Trump had to publicly support vaccines, but at the same time, he said they should be a choice and not a requirement. If Trump truly believed vaccines were effective and completely safe, he would have required they be taken by everyone. He didn’t do this. Why not?

Everyone else in government, and corporate America was forcing vaccines on people, but not Trump. I believe Trump had to appear to support vaccines, and it was our job to decode the message he was sending us. When you are fighting a war, sometimes you can’t avoid casualties; sometimes the best you can do is to minimize them.

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"No he isn't, Proberta. I wonder where you got that idea"


Millions of vaxxed are dead Sonia. Millions more are sick and dying. Or permanently vaxxine-damaged for life.

Funeral Directors are ordering 30% more Infant-Child size coffins, up from the 20% increase last year!

Why is Donald Trump STILL LYING to the American people and telling them there's a deadly virus and to take the genocidal vaxxine?

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You are mistaken Proberta - you must watch MSM. Please watch https://stopworldcontrol.com/fema/

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"you must watch MSM"

Are you kidding Lisa?

The MSM NEVER reports vaxxine death tolls.

The MSM promotes Trump PROMOTING the fake virus and the genocidal vaxxines.


So Lisa, who is Donald Trump serving by LYING to the American people and telling them there's a deadly virus, and to take the genocidal vaxxine?

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Proberta - Warpspeed stopped the FEMA CAMPS. https://stopworldcontrol.com/fema/

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Before she died, the queen of England LOST a court case in Canada because this young man was charged with attending a gathering of more than ten people during lockdown. He won his case because THE CROWN COULD NOT PROVIDE EVIDENCE THAT THERE EVER WAS A SARS COV2 VIRUS.



So there never was a need for FEMA camps.

Or lockdowns.

Or masking.

Or vaxxines!

So why is Donald Trump STILL LYING to the American people and telling them there is a deadly virus, and to take the deadly vaxxine???.

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Sadly, Mark you are deluded.

Did you get paid alot to write this?

Do not confuse these glorious times, (besmirtched with death and suffering), being owed to a cabal puppet. All leaders of the past world were raised in the El-ite camps to confuse, delude and distract all people from their own individuality, consciousness and sovereignty.

We are stepping into our power and especially our remembrance of our divine origins.

Trump the fake president of a private corporation is not a savior and is not even a hero. He was part and will always be part of the elite depopulation, murder, poisoning campaign and is evil.

You will find out the hard way.

Sadly, I had more hope for such a creative and honorable man as yourself.

God bless you.

America awakens, the people rule, self governance is the future.

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ah well. No, I got paid nothing in money. Good luck!

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Sigh. Sadly, some folk would rather be right than happy Mark!

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I believe he has taken out the private corporation.

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some of what you say, i wholly agree. I dont trust Mr. T either and I used to see him as one who is too rich to be bought.... I am not an American nor do I even reside in that powder keg of a country.

Sadly* I dont think that any longer based on my own intuition, or just plain old skepticism. The predator class has tried this before.....when will people start to catch on, or wake up as you say?

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Um, I'd say more skepticism than intuition, Sarah. You are to be happily surprised.

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Beautiful, hopeful and true....thank you!!

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Love this Mark! Thank you for your uplifting poetry!

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I love this! Such inspiration

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The United States will lead the world 🌎 to PEACE ✌ 🙏 🕊🇺🇸🌍🌹"The earth is but one country and mankind it's citizens", Baha'u'llah

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Dear Mark,

This poem/podcast touched me deeply sending shivers down my spine.

Thank you for your inspiration and your persistence. And, YES - THE BEST IS YET TO COME...


Britt Bartenbach


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