Looks great ~ what a wonderful project & initiative & product ~ & thank you Mark for helping Oisin, & his Dad, to become more known, & to sell these... Merry Christmas to you all
The only communist corporation is a state-owned enterprise, e.g. Gazprom, China Mobile Communications, or one of Mexico's 300 productive state-controlled companies, and that's on the condition that the state is not itself controlled by the capitalist class. I think the term you were looking for is capitalist corporation.
I believe in the younger generation, once we are rid of communist corporations these starchildren will take us to infinite heights. I bought the dad’s calendar.
Very cool story and beautiful art. Spent a vacation in Ireland and visited many pubs and his art brought back some memories of the trip. Thanks for sharing Mark & your continuing path of spreading truth and light to the world.
You attract the best Mark! 🥰
Mark you are a bright light way shower and this is inspiring. 18 and creating. Bravo😊
Looks great ~ what a wonderful project & initiative & product ~ & thank you Mark for helping Oisin, & his Dad, to become more known, & to sell these... Merry Christmas to you all
Congratulations to this young man! This is someone who sees a path, and seeks what is beyond. His parents must be one great couple, too.
The only communist corporation is a state-owned enterprise, e.g. Gazprom, China Mobile Communications, or one of Mexico's 300 productive state-controlled companies, and that's on the condition that the state is not itself controlled by the capitalist class. I think the term you were looking for is capitalist corporation.
Just love what you are doing for our world, you spread so much hope, love your sense of humour 😊
I believe in the younger generation, once we are rid of communist corporations these starchildren will take us to infinite heights. I bought the dad’s calendar.
I agree 100% support this guy!
Very cool story and beautiful art. Spent a vacation in Ireland and visited many pubs and his art brought back some memories of the trip. Thanks for sharing Mark & your continuing path of spreading truth and light to the world.
P.s upon review, “Xmas” weirded me out quite a lot. It’s CHRISTmas.
LIKE this kind of vibe