I'm an architectural colour consultant, I work with clients to help them choose paint colours for their homes or businesses, but what I'm really beginning to think about is this.

Why is our relationship with colour being destroyed? and Who's behind it??

Firstly, we're being brainwashed into believing the interior of our houses can only be white.

In the past few years there's been a Satanic trend to paint the entire exterior of your house black - all black - windows and every last inch.

On the other hand anytime we see colour now, it has these really negative associations to it. Think about those "special" flags that we see now everywhere, and I'm not talking about the flag of any country.

This ad is the same, it's showing colour in a most offensive way.

Ancient civilizations understood the power of colour and used it convey meaning. So, what's going on with colour these days??

I think there's much, much more to this than meets the eye and I'd love to have a conversation about this with someone who really wants to get the word out there in a big way.

We've been lied to about everything - and we've been lied to about colour and what makes us feel comfortable in our own homes.

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Colour is frequency is healing when found in nature. I imprint colours into my mind in and that way I call on those when needed.

By tuning into a dandelion we can recall that frequency signature as and when. When we relate with no story just pure essence to essence which is an alignment , we remember on a deep level … no words .. what we are.. animals have the advantage of not having a left brain which is under constant attack by indoctrination and programming.

Thank you for what you wrote it will the start of curiosity and a great realisation to be revealed to many 🙏🧡

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Omigosh... yes! I never thought of it that way. I love fall colour's especially orange, just to think of how it feels to me in so calming.

Thank you for putting this in the comments. Maybe you and Kora need a collaboration w/Mark to discuss bringing color into our spare of peace and light! HEY MARK!!

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Thank you Fiona.

Yes, colour is frequency and certain forms of colour healing can be very specific in what they treat.

I think it's great that you can tune into colours and keep that frequency within you.

Naturally, colour frequency is also important to me and I believe it can have the same, though perhaps not as intense, power as colour therapy.

The dialogue I'm wanting to call attention to is; what is the agenda of the dark forces in terms of colour?

On the one we are being "influenced" into believing that stark white interiors and pitch black exteriors are the only option.

On the other hand they are using colour as a blunt instrument in their woke ads and flags.

Bringing colour into people's spaces is exactly what I do. What I find more and more though is that it's an uphill battle. When colour is used in ads like the Jaguar one, it makes people hate colour and that's a terrible shame.

The conversation I'm pursuing is about how important beauty is to our lives and that with the wide world of colour, we have the opportunity to bring beauty back into and onto hour homes and places of work.

There are also many, many people who are only now slowly waking up, the healing power of beauty and colour will be important for them.

We cannot allow the dark forces to rob us of this things that feed our souls.

Thank you for engaging!

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I think Mark should have you on with him for a zoom chat about colour!! Thanks for expounding on your thoughts. I live in Phoenix, AZ and see homes painted dark gray or black. Not a wise decision for 115° F summers to assist cooling. Trendy sure, practical- absurd.

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Ooh, I would Love to go on Mark's show and talk with him about this!!

We know now that we've been lied to about everything and colour - and in the larger picture, beauty, also fall into that category.

This is all part of the dark agenda but it's a topic that hasn't really been touched on, though I have noticed just very recently someone I follow in this community actually brought up the importance of beauty. Granted there's been some bigger things to talk about!

Those people in Arizona probably also believe in the "climate crisis" it just goes to show how so many people have lost all capacity or common sense.

But then again, our hearts must go out to them, they're under a spell.

Thanks for engaging!!

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Oh my G*d, I love you. 🥰 I have not laughed so much in a while. You are SO REAL and it is such a blessing to watch your videos. Thank you for being REAL in each and every one. Love and light from the east coast of the 🇺🇸 MAINE.

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Agree, agree, agree, Mark! When young & innocent, I wanted to go to med school, followed by owning a black Jag XJS. So grateful neither of those things happened!

What happened to your forehead? Hope you got in a few shots for our side, mate!

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Pathetic, horrible, awful, terrible... a group of 3 year olds could mage a better car commercial than that!!!

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I felt the exact same way ! But then I thought surely this isn’t the car company It must be a clothing line, but horrid clothes! Then I saw everyone’s else’s comments. I don’t know who they hired for consulting on this but I’m sure they will be out of a job tomorrow.

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I love your take on things…plus you make a cuppa coffee pretty inviting. 😊

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Just saw the AD! What a load of Rubbish! Nothing to do with a car & unrecognisable to anything of meaning.

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Mark you cannot save Jaguar right now We need you here doing this right now!!!!! 🤣

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Love how you lay it out Mark.

Q: How do I tell that a fam member isn't ready for Truth and Ascension when I share your work?

A: Reply to me-can't listen, his voice annoys me... Hope no offense is taken, mate. Some of my tests of what to further share of people I hope will help to enlighten others are very effective in real time.

USA follower who looks forward to our coffee time whenever they come up.

Cheers Mark!

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I agree, it’s the ONLY car that I recognize and it’s because of the beautiful lines (of the older cars of course) A brilliant example of excellence!

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It cost me the fucking same amount of euros in Ireland when I just rented a fucking hire car for 2 weeks!!!

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I think it will do a 180

its a genius strategy if it does

That’s what I would do

Put your hero ( the brand ) in jeopardy

Then save it

Classic film trick

You heard it here first …

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My mother bought a sports model of the jaguar 1962. She loved her convertible car with a hard top as well. I was very proud of my mom' car.



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You keep us all going with your big heart your warm voice and your wonderful sense of humour. A reminder also we have a tribe all over the world who are on board… humans are good they have just been manipulated and temporarily lost their way. 🙏🧡

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Hideous 😱… laughter only way out 🙃😂🧡

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